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Thursday, March 21, 2002

This was first posted 3/21/02 at 7:10 PM
I am republishing my old posts to my Tripod site, newest posts first!

South Park was pretty funny last night...Kenny came back, well, it was Butters dressed as Kenny, but OMG, I so thought it was Kenny! The other boys really miss him, it is sweet how much they really miss him, of course, they treated him like crap when he was alive (well, most of the time anyway), but really they do miss him.

Work today was CRAZY! We are renovating the pharmacy and the construction is at a very noisy, jackhammer phase. I brought in a microwave to replace our department's rapidly dying machine, and had people ask me, "That's a nice microwave...what kind is it?" And then I would scream over the din, "It's 9:30!" Or whatever time it may have been. I never get tired of that joke.

The Vagina Monologues is in town, Kristi Lee (whom those of you who listen to the Bob and Tom show will know) is performing some of the monologues here locally. So Chick (another part of Bob and Tom) has his piece, the Angina Monologues. He has heart trouble and loves to make fun of himself. Chick, you rule! I have yet to hear the Angina Monologues, Tom talked too much (comme d'habitude), maybe tomorrow morning! I have put a link to the Bob and Tom website over to the left! (That's your left, BTW!)

I am confident enough to say I really didn't care for Gosford Park. It was ok, but I thought it was more of a satire. I felt every one of those 120+ minutes! I hope it doesn't win the Oscar, that should go to Lord of the Rings. I would love to see Helen Mirren win, she rules...loved her in "Madness of King George."

Christopher Walken was so good in Scotland, PA. It's a modern retelling of Macbeth, set in 1976 PA, with Duncan as a restaurant owner, James MacBeth and his wife as employees of the restaurant, and Walken as Ernie MacDuff, the investigator of Duncan's murder. I loved it! Perverse, funny, sick...everything I love in a movie. James LeGros and Maura Tierney are great as the MacBeths.

So...anybody know about those mythical "speaker splitters" I dreamed up?

Still haven't heard back from Pocket Quicken..caveat emptor!

I will be selling my Clie N610C soon..anyone interested? E-mail me for pics and more info!

I can't believe my counter is almost at 800..too kewl!

Well, better eat, take out the garbage and go to bed..yes, it's all part of the exciting life I lead!

…and now it is time once again for "The Daily (Almost) Affirmation to The Little Girl", the little girl inside me who for 30 years or more has been my protector….
See? This wasn't such a great day, but we don't seem to be too upset about it! See, there will always be annoying people and situations, but the trick is how we handle them! And Susan will help us to handle them better! YAY! We are so brave to seek help! Good night, sleep tight! This to us both! I love you!

..and this has been the…

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