
A 'Blog (Weblog, Internet Diary)

Works best with Netscape/Opera-IE users,

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'Blog site! It's IE-friendly :^)

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Links open in new windows (Well, not unless you check the box!) ;^) Your choice!
*If not using Netscape or Opera, feel free to check out my aforementioned "other" 'blog site!

*dtisfu.com--All the news about my future husband and my future lover!

*For the finest in kids' meal toys!

*Get cool blogstickers like I do HERE!

*Connect your cell phone to your PDA? Yes, it's true! Click HERE!

*Netflix...DVDs to your door, no late fees, give it a try! :^)

*See how your favorite movies rank among AFI's 100 top romances!

*JessMonkey...local blogger makes good..and she's married to Chimpuat!

*Chimpuat...another local blogger makes good..and he's married to JessMonkey!

*RuPaul's 'blog! He/She is one of us :^)

*Gilda's club--Check it out! I miss Gilda Radner! :^(

*Check out 'Zonker's' website-Dissociated Press!

*PDA Geek Heaven, Part I

*Check out "Spacemonk's" 'blog-He's KEWL!

*Here's Christopher Lowell's homepage...you have to see it to believe it!

*PDA Geek Heaven, Part II

*Clie Geek Heaven

*If you're not reading this, you should be!

*The cutest kids not actually related to me!

*Six Feet Under-that show ROOLZ!

*My friend Jack Saturn's resume..He is a really talented Web Designer! Anyone got a job for him?

*Any Day Now...SIGH! The show's over..the website lives on!

*This dude finds cool stuff, scans it in, all for your morbid curiosity!

*Can't read those vanity cards at the end of "Dharma and Greg?" You can here!

*Don't know much...about Jewish Holidays, but would like to? Click HERE!"

*See the state quarters in all their glory!

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Saturday, March 30, 2002

Disclaimer:Every post will begin with this text:"This post to be posted simultaneously on 2 sitesohregina.blogspot.com
and my tripod site*click on the weblog tag on the home page :^)
...blogspot works best with IE, Netscapers use the Tripod site :^) Enjoy!

Warning: somehow the HTML got messed up on this post, some of the links are crazy...beware! And the "TOP" link doesn't work. Can't make it work..gave up...for now!! :^)

So I added a short "explanation" on my blogspot.com site, to let those with Netscape know that I have set up the Tripod site to be Netscape-friendly. It, too, looks "possessed" as I say, on Netscape, it is HUGE and in a way, that's cool, it is all over the page (go there just for grins, using Netscape, I dare you!) so people can read it. I also put an explanation (read first sentence of post, then scratch that...reverse it!) on my Tripod site. It looks ok on Netscape or IE, at least on my computer, but with IE the posts are not centered, nor is there word wrap, longer sentences go all the way across the page, you have to scroll waaaaayyyy over to see the whole thing. So I direct people to my IE-friendly site.

...Now for the return of the happy 'blog!

I left work on time today!

I had things well-organized when evening shift came in

I made pretzel treats for work tomorrow...They are so easy to make...take about 100 or 200 mini-twist pretzels and spread them out on numerous cookie sheets. Then place a Hershey's Kiss on each one. Then place in a pre-heated oven (250 or 300 degrees F) for about 4 or 5 minutes, then take them out and while they are nice and melty, place an M & M in the center of each one, pressing down the Kiss as you do so. Let cool and YUMMY!! Salt, sweet, together...what else could you want? Also bringing together bitter rivals M&M/Mars and Hershey. Very cool! Make sure you just let them get melty, though, and don't overcook them, I had to throw away a whole sheetful tonight!

I had a good day in the ICU Thursday and made it to my mom's after, where I had awesome Matzoh Ball soup for the 2nd evening in a row, then brisket, asparagus, mmmmm.......and the leftovers tonight!

I really love the ICU and PCU (progressive care unit, kind of a step-down monitored area) nurses, they are fabu-tastic! We had a good day, it was busy, but it's always busy. I had to call several doctors and make some judgment calls, but I enjoy that, it gives me confidence in myself and my abilitiy as a pharmacist!

I got my Ohio Quartes today. I am a huge state quarter geek, I have the map from TV and books to collect them in from Wal-Mart. I get 2 sets of P (Philadelphia mint) & D (Denver mint) quarters for me, and 3 sets for my friend Kris, she is collecting for her grandkids. We meet when the new quarters come and have brunch and talk and share pictures. It's fun and it makes sure we keep in touch, we used to work together but not any more. The quarters are cool, you can see what they look like HERE and I will also add this link to the sidebars on my 'blog pages!

I am watching "And now for something completely different" on HBO comedy...man, Monty Python was so ahead of its time, this movie is from 1971! 31 years ago! Unreal! I miss Graham Chapman so much...did anyone see the skit the surviving Pythons did at the Aspen Comedy Festival a few years back? They had an urn which supposedly had Graham's ashes in it, and they were all saying things like "This is a late Graham Chapman, he is no more, he rests in peace." just like in the dead parrot sketch (which is in the movie). Brilliant! Actually, the tribute show is on now, it is too funny!

Anyway, now unhappy 'blog. I am just sick about what is happening in Israel, thank G-d my parents went there once already so they don't have to go back! I have no desire to go, it is too damn scary! I was listening to "Talk of the Nation" on NPR Wednesday and they said how in Europe the sentiment is very anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian, I was not aware of that. A man called in from Germany and kept asking how the leader of one nation (Sharon) could treat the leader of another nation (Arafat) so badly, well, several of the guests notified this dude that Arafat is not the leader of a recognized state, Palestine hasn't been a state since 1948! The guy kept asking his question, saying Israel is immoral and has no ethics. I can't believe there are people who think this way! The Palestinians have no regard for life, even their own lives, where are the ethics and morals in that? Unreal! My brother-in-law's sister's mother-in-law (follow that) and I had a discussion about this at Passover Wednesday, she had heard the same broadcast, We had a nice talk about a horrible subject! People blowing themselves and others up, and for what? So more people can die? Briiliant! (I wish there was an HTML tag to denote sarcasm! I will use italics to denote exasperation!)

Well, I have been staying up past my bedtime to work on my 'blog, I really wanted one IE-friendly 'blog site and one Netscape-friendly 'blog site. I have that now (well, as mentioned before, it looks fine on my screen, can anyone give me some comments, and/or sign my guestbook? Only one person has signed my blogspot.com site's guestbook, and no one has signed the Tripod site's guestbook. WWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! :^(
Anyway, now I have the aforementioned IE-friendly 'blog site and Netscape-friendly 'blog site, so I can go to bed more at my normal time tonight...9:30 or so. I have to get up at 5:30 am to get to work YUK! I am not an early-morning person.
Good night and Happy Passover and Easter to Jews and Christians/Catholics respectively!

…and now it is time once again for "The Daily (Almost) Affirmation to The Little Girl", the little girl inside me who for 30 years or more has been my protector….
YAY! Happy 'blog! It's a good thing! YAY! US! So brave! And ya know what? It's ok to not be a morning person, given how we sleep! Susan can help us to sleep better! And maybe, just maybe, we will be "morning people!" Big dreams! Big dreams! Happy dreams! Good night, sleep tight! This to us both! I love you!

..and this has been the…


Friday, March 29, 2002

Disclaimer:Every post will begin with this text:"This post to be posted simultaneously on 2 sitesohregina.blogspot.com
and my tripod site*click on the weblog tag on the home page :^)
...blogspot works best with IE, Netscapers use the Tripod site :^) Enjoy!"

Ok, I deprived myself of some precious sleep but it's worth it...I hope! I got my tripod 'blog to look ok on Netscape! Or at least I hope so...click on the link above (if in Netscape) and let me know how it looks...it looks great to me, I am really proud of it! E-mail me or sign the guestbook, I would love to hear some comments!
Good night, and ML, if you're out there, happy Passover, and can I come see you in July??

…and now it is time once again for "The Daily (Almost) Affirmation to The Little Girl", the little girl inside me who for 30 years or more has been my protector….
YAY! We figured it out! We are bloggers, hear us roar! Good night, sleep tight! This to us both! I love you!

..and this has been the…

This post to be posted simultaneously on 2 sites
and my tripod site*click on the weblog tag on the home page :^)
...blogspot works best with IE, Netscapers use the Tripod site :^) Enjoy!

I was going through some stuff in the computer room and I found a couple of articles about websites I thought were cool, I put links over to the side, but I will also put them in this post, now that I can finally seem to make it work!

Found Magazine -This dude finds all sorts of things, letters, cards, pictures, and shows them all to us, just to satisfy morbid curiosity. Very cool!

Henrysworld -This kind gentleman has been good enough to publish the vanity cards that show at the end of "Dharma and Greg." Also lots of other cool stuff on his site!

Oh, well, I better do something productive! :^)

…and now it is time once again for "The Daily (Almost) Affirmation to The Little Girl", the little girl inside me who for 30 years or more has been my protector….
YAY! We figured out how to weblink! YAY! US! We are bloggers, hear us roar! Good night, sleep tight! This to us both! I love you!

..and this has been the…

This post to be posted simultaneously on 2 sites
and my tripod site*click on the weblog tag on the home page :^)
...blogspot works best with IE, Netscapers use the Tripod site :^) Enjoy!

So anyway, I am having a nice Passover, Wednesday night at my brother-in-law's sister's house was cool, I got to see people I haven't seen in a long time, like Elyse, who is a "tweener," that is, one year older than me but one year younger than my sister. She lives in NY with her husband and CUTE daughter. It was great to see her, she looks great! I got a cute picture of her daughter and her 2 little cousins, can't wait to get them back so I can give copies to Elyse, her mom, brother, etc. Thanks to my SWEET Kodak Advantix camera, I not only know the picture is good (I can see the pics I take, but only the last picture I take, not every picture, it's not digital, it takes film, you can delete a pic, it will take up film, but it will not come out when they develop your film. I wasn't ready to go fully digital so this was a nice compromise) ...(back to the sentence I began when dinosaurs roamed the earth)...but I can tell the camera how many copies of each pic I want right after I take them! KEWL!
My niece was very loving to me, she is such a sweet girl, she said the cutest thing. Apparently, as my brother said, she thinks we live in Arkansas, as she thinks "Auntie Gina" and "Uncle Sam" are married to each other. Well, aunts and uncles are married to each other, aren't they? She'll get it. She's a smart girl, takes after our side :^)
I showed my mom the "trick" described below to get the icons to appear on the page, and it worked :^)
2 free, good meals, plus leftovers! YUM!

I am off work today and I am the happiest girl in the world!

It is a yucky day, I am unmotivated to do much else besides play with my new toys, my websites, what could be better?

My friend at work sent me a Passover e-card, very cool! Thanx babe!

I am going to try to get some icons on my Tripod 'blog page, all I have to do is start another Tripod site and use it to host images for the other Tripod site. Easy as pie! Mmmm..pie! (Simpsons moment)

I will miss Dudley Moore, I always had a bit of a crush on him, that awful disease he has was just too sad! I saw him on 20/20 a few years back and he was debilitated and weak. Poor guy!
I wonder if, since Milton Berle is dead now, will Lorne Michaels allow his "SNL" show to air? (Loyal readers will remember that Lorne has seen to it that Milton's and Louise Lasser's shows are never to be seen in reruns, they were sooooooooo bad, I really want to see them!)

For those of you who do not know what Passover is (like Jake, a nurse at work who thought it was one day where you can't eat meat, as opposed to the actual deal, which is 8 days where you can't eat bread), Click HERE for a website that will explain it all to you. They even have recipes! Mmmmm...charoset (apples, cinnamon, wine, pecans...what's not to like?)


Thursday, March 28, 2002

This post to be posted simultaneously on 2 sites
and my tripod site*click on the weblog tag on the home page :^)
...blogspot works best with IE, Netscapers use the Tripod site :^) Enjoy!

So I discovered a little trick to make my icons show up...if you are on my blogspot.com site and can't see my icons, do the following:

Click HERE to view my image hosting site for my Tripod page. Let the images load, then hit the browser's BACK button, and the images show up! It is so cool! It worked with Win95 at work so hopefully it will work for everyone. I have edited this post, I had the link to my other image hosting site, that was not correct! :^)

If this doesn't work, it may be hopeless :^( But I would be happy to e-mail you the icons, if you sign my guestbook and ask me to!
Man..I have been up for 19 hours, I am about to fall over dead, good night!!

2002_03_24_id4.html#75044484">9:08 PM

Tuesday, March 26, 2002

This was the first blog post I ever posted..(edited 7/14/02)
Published 2/21/02..one day before my 35th birthday!
OK, Geocities was driving me nuts so I am going to host on blogger.com. Let's hope it works.
This is only a test..
..So I decided to end each post with an affirmation to the little girl inside me, who has always been there to protect me, unfortunately the only coping mechanism "we" learned as a child was to be angry, to push others away before they could push "us" away! There is also a humor cope, but it is not nearly as strong, and there is often a mean component to the anger. With the help of Susan, my excellent therapist (finally I found a good one!) I am learning to "self-talk," to tell myself, and the "little girl" that it's ok, she can stand down, relax, the "angry part" of me can take a break and let the "adult me" handle the annoying people and situations that we will no doubt encounter along the way. The "young parts" of me do not fully trust Susan yet, they get angry at her all the time, but she's not afraid, she can take it...it's cool with her, she lets them have a safe place to express anger, but then again she doesn't let them get away with it, she questions them, even at the risk of making them angrier. Man, she is incredible! She has helped "us" so much! So in these affirmations I will be referring to "us" and "we" and the sentence structure may not be the best, but that's cool, things are not either right or wrong (as "we" learned when "we" were a child) but they just are...and this is just for us!

So....now it is time for the first "Daily (Almost) Affirmation to The Little Girl", the little girl inside me who for 30 years or more has been my protector….
YAY! We figured out how to blog! Now let's go to sleep! YAY! SLEEP! Good night, sleep tight, this to us both! I love you!

...and this has been the…

This is from 2/22/02...my 35th birthday!
Well, it's official.. my birthday …the exact time of my birth...35 years old, kind of a biggie...as Samantha from "Sex and the City" would say, "Welcome to my box;" as in the 35-44 year old box on forms. However, I filled out a form last night where the boxes ran 18-29, 30-39, 40-49, etc, so maybe things are shifting. I mourn for my childhood and early adulthood gone...I never partied very much and I can count on one hand the number of times I have been truly drunk. But, and maybe I delude myself, I think that since I have not had as many "partying" times as others, the few I have had mean more to me, I can remember all of them in great detail. I have a few close friends whom I can really count on, I have a good job, cool appliances, and have finally found a therapist who can help me. Hey, I guess life is good.Happy Birthday to me..and Drew Barrymore, Don Pardo, Paul Dooley, Kyle McLachlan (I have 5 words for Kyle..
"mm, mm, mm, mm, mmmm!!" said while pursing lips and shaking hips) "Dr. J.," and of course, the original Pres George, George Washington! 2/22/2002 ROOLZ!!! Ok, let's see if my blog is ad-free now! I paid my $$ now let's see!!
…and now it is time once again for "The Daily (Almost) Affirmation to The Little Girl", the little girl inside me who for 30 years or more has been my protector….
Happy birthday to us! I love you! This will be our best year ever! I see nothing but good things ahead for us! We will continue in our healing, that will be such a great thing! YAY! US! Good night, baby girl, sleep tight, this to us both! I love you!

..and this has been the…

These posts are from 2/26/02
I am posting my original 'blog posts to my new 'blog page..for those who may not be able to see the blogspot.com page w/Netscape

[2/25/2002 11:05:49 PM | Regina Cohen]
Ok, now my links won't open in different windows..I copied the exact code from the old web page..did I mention I had to start over AGAIN? I have been playing waaaay too much. Anyway, advice is welcome :^)
And I played a bit, added the icon I like to call "happy pills" into my date header...that I am very proud of!
And why is there still that white patch...yes, for you, the loyal reader(s), to make it easier on your eyes :^) And, oh, yeah, because I can't figure out how to shade that part of the webpage in! {this does not apply to the tripod site!

I am posting my original 'blog posts to my new 'blog page..for those who may not be able to see the blogspot.com page w/Netscape
Speaking of which I had better rest mine!
Good night!
p.s. I don't know of one person who has e-mailed me right from the site (ML, Renee, if you did I apologize, but since you have my e-mail address and I e-mailed you about the webpage, I have to think that is not what happened), so yes, I am not too proud to beg.

[2/25/2002 5:34:05 PM | Regina Cohen]
A little about me..I just posted that huge post about my family and unless you are my family, or someone I know well, you wouldn't know who I was talking about..and on the off chance you care...I believe I stated before, I am the middle child. I just turned 35, my much older sister Beth is 36, and my baby brother Sam is 33. There are 37 months separating the 3 of us. Our poor mother! My mother Carol is 67, and my dad Gilly just turned 78. They were odd for the times, married in 1964 when my mom was 30 and my dad was 40. They started having kids right away of course, because they were so "old." I tell them now they would fit right in today, what with people getting married and having kids later. I am a pharmacist, I work at St Francis Hospital in scenic Beech Grove Indiana. It's 20 miles one way, but some of the women I work with have an even longer commute. I hate to drive, although I have a SWEET Saturn L-series which I really do enjoy driving, as much as one who doesn't like to drive, can enjoy driving. I enjoy what I do, there is quite a mix of personalities at the hospital as you can imagine, with over 4,000 employees. Most of the people I work with are nice and helpful, unlike those people at the hospital this morning! When I see someone looking confused, I make it a point to help them. I have learned my way around the hospital, this was hard for someone such as myself with no sense of direction, and I help people find the cafeteria, the lab, the ER, anywhere! I have even left the cafeteria during dinner to bring a woman some Tylenol (I overheard her asking the cashier where she could buy some Tylenol). Anyway, I have wanted to look into getting a massage therapy certificate for some time now. I give really good backrubs and would really enjoy doing that part-time. People at work tease me, "You need a pimp or do you already have one?" HA HA, very funny...to no one! They won't be getting "freebies," that's for sure.
On a serious note...for most of my life I have been an angry person, unwilling and unable to accept any weakness or imperfection, no matter if it is real or perceived, in myself or others. Any questioning of anything I said or believed was taken as a personal assault, to be countered with anger, all the better to avoid feeling the pain with, my dear. I have seen many counselors, many with no results, unfortunately. I will tell my "bad counselor" stories another time. The good news is that I have found a wonderful counselor, finally, one who has helped me so much that I am forever in her debt (that's not a comment on her prices, really! It's worth every penny and I would go every day if she would let me-I have asked!). There are of course going to be times when I am angry, like this morning, but I am so much less angry than I used to be, it is so wonderful not to "blow up" at every perceived slight, insult, or rudeness directed toward me. When there is a delay, be it in line at the f**king post office, or in Indiana's lovely construction traffic, or even at the car wash (some poor person totally missed the "tracks,") I just take a deep breath, relax, listen to kick-ass music, play games on my SWEET Sony Clie, or meditate. It's fabulous, and I have made so much progess in just the 11 months I have been seeing her. I look forward to "the other side," as she calls it, when I am done with my "healing." She is the best thing in my life, well, except for my niece and nephew, whom I love with all my heart. They are my sister's kids, wonderful kids, cute (cuter than any other, of course), smart (advanced, really) and..well, just the best, what can I say?
I have a few close friends I can really count on to see the "real me." Only one has given me permission to use her name-Deb. Deb is my former college roommate. She is a veterinarian. She and her husband Rob, a computer engineer (he quit Purdue to go to Rose-Hulman, but I tell him-don't worry, Rob, not every one can "hack" Purdue!) have adopted 2 kids from Guatemala. I have a link to their website, and it's true, Jackie and Alex are the 2 cutest kids not actually related to me, although I am their unofficial "Auntie OhReginaaaaaaaa!"
My friend in NYC, "ML" asked me to refer to her as ML. ML and I met in 9th grade geometry class and clicked right away. She is a wonderful person, highly talented in all aspects of performing, and always has a kind word for me when I need it most.
Other friends have not given me permission yet so more on them later. But I am so grateful for these people, they knew me "when" (when I was so f**king angry all the time!) and they liked me anyway. Thank G-d for people who see the "real me."
About the name of my 'blog...there was a guy in college whom I actively pursued, but he was not interested in a relationship, just friendship, so we were friends, until he decided he didn't want to be, anyway, whenever I asked him to do something fun, he would whine and say "OhReginaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, I gotta study!" Well, once he did agree to go to the dorm dance with me, and he was actually fun! Once in 3 and 1/2 years, oh well. Deb and Rob have always referred to me as "OhReginaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" and of course I thought that was the perfect name for my 'blog.
well, you think you know everything about me, not true! Watch this space for future updates!

[2/25/2002 8:35:48 AM | Regina Cohen]
GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR........................Dude! Seriously! I...am...so...pissed...off...right...now!!!!!! My father is having surgery this morning. They told my parents to be there by 5:30 am today, that they couldn't **possibly** admit him the night before. Well, he went yesterday afternoon for a blood test and they admitted him! They had no idea! So my poor mother had to go back home, get all Dad's stuff, and go back yesterday. So she asked me & my brother (our sister is in Europe) to meet her at the main entrance at 7 am. We all live on Indianapolis' Northside, the hospital is downtown, quite a haul. So I trucked down there after being up all night with a migraine, left the house at 6:05 am, got there about 6:45am. I decided to go up to the room. My mother had said room C409, well, I went up to "C" wing on the 4th floor, and all the rooms had 4-digit #s. So I went back down to the lobby, it was almost 7 am. I went to the info desk, the little man wasn't there, I was going to call the operator but the phone said "For transportation use only, time limit 2 minutes." I didn't know if it would work for calling anyone else. So I waited a bit longer, then I wandered around to see if maybe there was another entrance or lobby. I went up to the 4th floor again hoping to run into my mother. I saw a surgery tech and I said, "My mother said room C409, but all these room #s are 4 digits..my father is having surgery today, what should I do? She said yes, room 409 didn't sound right, then she saw her friend and they giggled away..."Gee, thanks for your help, NOT!" I said while getting on the elevator. The little man was back at his desk, so I went up to him. "I was supposed to meet my mother and brother here, " I began. "Well, I don't know where they are!" he replied, snippily. Let me finish, dude, I thougt! ..."So, can you help me find my father, please?" Again he interrupted before I could give my father's name or anything, "What do you want me to do?" JERK! I said, "His name is Gilbert Cohen...C-O-H-E-N, he was admitted yesterday. Where is he please?" The man looked on his list, I had to spell the name again, he said, "3 East." I asked where that was. He gave that exasperated sigh of the clueless and rude. I hate the sigh! Geez, dude, sorry to ask you to do your job. Anyway, a kind gentleman told me he was going that way and offered to show me, I said Thanks and we started off. Then the man decided to save face I guess, he was all "Don't you know where the cafeteria is?" I said, "No, Sir, I've never been here before in my life! And as I walked off, he said, "You've got an attitude, you know?" And I said, "Gee, thanks, you do too!" What a jerk! I started crying of course, and ranting. "This could be the last time I see my father." The man called after me, "Well, what time is his surgery?" "They don't know!" I screamed back...they had no idea when his surgery may be, that's why we were meeting so f**king early, it could be as early as 7:30 am, or as late as 10 or 11 am. The helpful man showed me where the elevators were, then I ran into Fayann, a woman I used to work with, she was working at the hospital and she helped me as well. She asked me 4 or 5 times if I was ok..I finally yelled at her, "Stop asking! Do I look okay??" I thanked her for her help, apologized, then the elevator came. I asked about my father at the nurses' station. They chided me for crying, saying it would upset my father. My father loves to be needed, he would relish the chance to comfort me. They chided me again. Then I asked if they had word from my mother on where she might be, but they didn't. Then my cell phone rang (even though you aren't supposed to use cell phones in the hospital..they can throw off instruments) and thank G-d it was my brother. I still don't know what entrance they came in, "across from 10th street" is all they said, I have no sense of direction, I parked my car near my mother's in the garage and came up the closest elevators, I thought that's where she'd be! Anyway, I got to talk to Dad a bit and then I went home to crash, his surgery is not til 10 or 11 am..naturally! I have a history of sleep disorders and of course my family thought I overslept. This really hurt my feelings because I always get up for important things. I couldn't sleep last night because of the migraine. I used to have the aura and weird sensations but not the headache, well, I have the headache now! 1200 mg of Ibuprofen over a 6-7 hour period didn't even touch it! YUK!
My dad is 78, poorly controlled diabetic, they are doing a bypass graft on his foot to improve circulation and hopefully avoid amputation. Everyone keep him in your thoughts please. I am going to crash now, just had to get some of this down. It feels so good to be able to have a forum to let things out.

This post is from 2/26/02
I am posting my original 'blog posts to my new 'blog page..for those who may not be able to see the blogspot.com page w/Netscape

[2/26/2002 9:18:02 PM | Regina Cohen]
ManOhMan..I reread my post about the hospital, I was in a REALLY bad place..ok, I also discussed it with Susan, my therapist. She has graciously allowed me to use her first name. I was tired and had a migraine (the "headband of pain" as I now refer to it) and that left me physically fragile, leading of course to emotional fragility. Yes, I felt ignored and treated poorly, but maybe all that wasn't really directed at me, maybe I suffer needlessly...maybe, well, definitely, it was a smart thing to go home and crash. My dad's surgery went very well (took over 5 hours!), he is out of the ICU and already doing Physical Therapy. So that is cool. I have been off work for 2 weeks and have to go back tomorrow, although as Susan pointed out, this job is much more rewarding and not as stressful as other jobs I have had, thus it is a positive thing! YAY! WORK! (BAH!)
...and my eye doctor says I won't need bifocals til I am 40 or so, that is cool. My eyes are pretty bad, but no worse than last year. I am getting some glasses just for close-up computer work, they're cute, plastic, vibrant purple..and only $25 thanks to my insurance...SWEEEEEEEET!!!!!!!!!!!

This post is from 2/28/02
I am posting my original 'blog posts to my new 'blog page..for those who may not be able to see the blogspot.com page w/Netscape

**Sorry, this is a bit out of order..think "Memento"..a movie everyone should see!!!

2/28/2002 9:13:12 PM | Regina Cohen]
My dad was better today, he is out of the ICU (again!)...he remembers a little about last night, said he was "pissed." This morning my mom said he was angry at the world, the doctors, nurses, everyone. He was in better spirits this afternoon. He is in a triple room, so little space..my mother was a bit claustrophobic. My mother and sister swear that he mumbled something about "I slept here all afternoon, the nurse slept over there.." As a pharmacist of course I know it's the drugs. Good stuff!
My mother says he has to be on Aspirin, Coumadin and Paxil..of course it is Plavix, to help prevent clots. My father definitely does not suffer from Social Anxiety Disorder!
So things are ok for now, keep him in your thoughts. :^) Otherwise, I picked up a friend at the car dealer and got sooo lost, it was quite comical, hopefully I will not get lost going there the next time, if there needs to be a next time. Anyway, then I went to Meijer, my photos are MIA and need to be "traced." I have the Kodak Advantix camera so I know there are some really nice pictures on this roll! BUMMER! I hope they find the pics! They asked, "What are the pictures of?" I said, "My family at a Bar Mitzvah, and of course the 2 cutest kids in the world, and me." The guy said, "Ok, family!" ...and the 2 cutest kids!
Then I went to Panera Bread and got Cream of Chicken and Wild Rice soup...mmmm....creamy!...then almost got broadsided on the way home, then I stayed with the people in the actual accident (it was so the guy's fault, he turned left in front of us 2 cars on a full green, no arrow...he had no airbags, the woman he hit did. I gave a statement to the police and went home. I was worried about my soup, I mean this is some seriously good soup and when I had to stop so suddenly to avoid the accident (there was no one behind me, thank God!) the bag with the soup (and half a Greek Salad..YUMMY!) went flying! No soup spillage, but the little tub of Greek dressing leaked a bit, no big deal, the salad needed no further dressing.
So not the best day, certainly not the worst.
Good night all

This post is from 2/27/02
I am posting my original 'blog posts to my new 'blog page..for those who may not be able to see the blogspot.com page w/Netscape

2/27/2002 10:26:42 PM | Regina Cohen]
My dad had to have another surgery today, they suspected a blood clot and they found one in his leg :^( They had to put his lower leg and foot in a half-cast to immobilize it. I went after work to meet my mom & brother, they took him for surgery at about 4 pm, then they brought him to recovery at about 7:20 or so, it was almost 9:30 pm before we got to see him. We kept trying to call my sister in the meantime but they were having phone problems, she finally got ahold of us. Well, it was a pretty grim scene in the SICU...my dad was pretty agitated, he kept pulling at his lines and incision so they had to put his right wrist in a soft restraint, he kept yelling at my mother to take it off..then he mumbled bridge terms..trump, spades, etc. We told him he needs to sleep, he said he couldn't sleep because he was being 'tortured' and people had been 'needling him all day.' We had to leave, we didn't want to upset him further. I hear lots of older patients at the hospital where I work crying out like that, but it's so different when it's your relative. My father is a strong man and a great influence in my life, it is so distressing to see him this way.
Anyway, hopefully after some quality sleep he will 'bounce back.' Keep him in your thoughts and prayers...
Good night all!

This post is from 3/1/02
I am posting my original 'blog posts to my new 'blog page..for those who may not be able to see the blogspot.com page w/Netscape

[3/1/2002 11:01:01 PM | Regina Cohen]
My dad is doing better, he sat up in the chair today for a while, I will go see him tomorrow. I have Saturday off but have to work Sunday. Man, it is like slam-kill at work, 80-90% of our meds have been moved across the hall while we renovate the pharmacy, and you have to go through 3 doors just to leave the main pharmacy, then the door across the hall has a combination code, of course, and it was funny because when I got back from vacation no one told me they changed the combination so I tried it twice and said, "If it fails 3 times I get to go home, right?" Anyway, we are on super-duper-extra-dire beds right now, which means the hospital is full to the tippy-top, and the acuity is high, meaning that the patients are much sicker than at other times. Beds are so short that if you are mildly ill, you do not get to go to the hospital, only if you are very ill do you get a bed. Sad, very sad. We are busy and short-staffed, what with everyone's Spring Break coming up. If one person calls in sick (like today) we have to rearrange everything/everyone.
One of our pharmacists is taking Chinese language classes because he and his wife are adopting a baby from China, he needs Tuesday evenings off for the classes. Well, someone got their wires crossed, and he is scheduled this Tuesday. I have a standing appointment with my therapist Tuesday at 6 pm, so I couldn't do it (I agreed, tentatively, I must have been really tired, as soon as I checked my Clie ("Palm" PDA), I saw the appointment, I frantically contacted my boss), and it looks bleak for him. I don't know what's going to happen with that. Bummer!
I will have to post about my SWEET Clie this weekend, I didn't think I would ever need one or want one, but I am really enjoying my Clie. I am learning new tricks and other fun things every day. :^)
Well, they found my pictures at Meijer, or should I say the film...it arrived in the photo lab today and should be ready to pick-up in the store tomorrow. Hooray!
I had better get some sleep, I am going to get up early and go to the gym (I have been remiss these last 2 weeks) and then go to see my dad at the hospital. Thanks to everyone who has asked about him, that really means a lot to me and I will pass along the good wishes to him
They were interviewing an author today on NPR, I can't remember her name but she writes first-person essays about her harsh life on the prairies of Montana. She said she keeps in mind when writing that there are 3 things..the facts, perspective, and the truth. That is my new credo! Good night to all!

This post is from 3/3/02
I am posting my original 'blog posts to my new 'blog page..for those who may not be able to see the blogspot.com page w/Netscape

[3/3/2002 5:28:27 PM | Regina Cohen]
I went and saw my dad in the hospital yesterday, my mom and I went and only stayed a little while because Dad was so sleepy. He would wake up, ask a question or make a comment (for example, I was wearing a pink shirt and he said, "Very springy today, Miss Cohen!") and then drift back to sleep. Then he called my mom about 5 pm or so and asked if I had gotten to her house yet, to pick her up and/or drive with her to come down and see him. He didn't remember we'd been there! So she went down there for a little while.
He was a bit more with it this morning when Mom called him. She and my brother were going to go down there today. It's his turn :^)
Anyway, I was glad to be off work yesterday, I felt nauseous and headache-ey all day, YUK! I didn't go to the gym or anything, major bummer! I really need to get back there.
I work M & T then R&F then off the weekend..hooray! I hope this week is not total slamkill, as I call it....today wasn't as bad as I had worried it may be, I had everything organized when evening shift came in.
Six Feet Under starts its second season tonight! I can't wait! I LOVE that show! Alan Ball ROOLZ!

This post is from 3/4/02
I am posting my original 'blog posts to my new 'blog page..for those who may not be able to see the blogspot.com page w/Netscape

[3/4/2002 6:43:27 PM | Regina Cohen]
Well I sold my "free" copy of Quicken 2002 Deluxe on ebay..SWEET! I got $17.50 for it, not too shabby, hey, I didn't pay anything for it. I had called Quicken to see if they would send me Pocekt Quicken for my SWEET Sony Clie, but no luck, they don't make that program, they farm it out. Anyway I got this free software because I had to switch from Quicken Bill Manager to Quicken Bill Pay, no big difference except I like Bill Pay better! Bill Manager was supposed to let you receive all your bills on-line at Quicken's website but only one of my payors (Sprint PCS) was a participating member so like I said no big deal.
I had to mail the CD to the lucky auction winner, so I hustled my butt to the "wonderful" Castleton Post Office as in "I wonder why they only have one person working?" and "I wonder why there are 3 or 4 employees wandering around aimlessly?" ..anyway, just as I was next one lady closed her window, ok, I think she had a paper cut. Workman's Comp! So then a guy walks in and goes right to her and hands her something, and I was thinking, "Dude, you'd better not be cutting in line!" then he left. Then a woman came in and also went right up to her (the "next window please" sign was clearly visible), handed her something, and I was thinking, "Babe! You'd better not be cutting in line!" then she left. So then it was my turn, I went up to the guy to mail my package. In the meantime the guy had come back and the "closed" lady was helping him. So I said to the guy who was waiting on me, "I will have to remember that next window please doesn't really mean that, I will just go up and the nice lady will help me!" I am terribly sarcastic at times. He had no comment of course. I said, "Well, I am sorry, I just think it's rude!" No comment. As I was leaving the "closed" lady said, "Ma'am, it was something of our doing [that she was helping the guy with.] !!" I said, "You know, I'm not really surprised!" I and many others in my neighborhood receive pretty poor service from that Post Office, as we can attest by the fact that we routinely receive each others' mail, and some days we don't get mail at all (and I am not talking Sundays and holidays!) It's very frustrating. Then the "closed" lady said. "Have a nice day, Ma'am!" And in a sicky-sweet voice, I said, "Thanks! You too!" (I saw diabetics flee in terror). I felt bad for not apologizing to the guy (customer) but I wish he would have at least looked at me, acknowledged my comments in some way, like "Look, they screwed up, I didn't feel I should have to wait in line!" ...**anything!** Oh, well, sometimes I forget I am invisible, and of course my car is too, as witnessed by the almost accident the other day. Oh, well, it feels good to get this out. Thanks for e-listening :^)

These posts are from 3/6/02
I am posting my original 'blog posts to my new 'blog page..for those who may not be able to see the blogspot.com page w/Netscape

[3/6/2002 1:04:35 PM | Regina Cohen]
OK, I gave up trying to make my links open in new windows...so I took out the non-working checkbox. Links will open in the same window. As my wise friend ML has said, "Too many choices make life hard." Sorry, Netscape-girl!

[3/6/2002 1:40:39 AM | Regina Cohen]
OMG! My counter is over 300
Thanks everybody

[3/6/2002 1:39:26 AM | Regina Cohen]
For you Netscape users...I looked at my site on Netscape and it looks totally possessed...well, I went to pro.blogger.com and here's what it said (this was on Nestcape)
Blogger Pro does not currently work with browsers other than Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.x+ on Windows and Macintosh.
If you are able, we highly suggesting upgrading your browser.
If you are not able, or choose not to, we're sorry. We're not trying to snub anyone. We will definitely be supporting other browsers in the future. We are working on a new interface that will support most modern browsers. It will also be more customizable. We just haven't got it done yet, and needed to start with something or we would get nowhere.

Thanks for your patience,
...so to my loyal Netscape users I am sorry, looks like they are working on it, but my site is edited and supported on the "pro" site so if it is possible to use IE please do so. I know my friend ML is a Netscape person, sorry babe!
...must sleep...must sleep...must sleep! (Yes, it's that "if I say it enough it will be true" thing)

[3/6/2002 1:00:26 AM | Regina Cohen]
Hey, one more thing...my brother told me that the first post (the 1st time I "went live" with the old template) ran up and into/over the description...is anyone experiencing that? I tried to move the posts down, I put
(breaks) everywhere I could think of, nothing helped. Hopefully none of you fine people saw the interim when I was "adjusting" the breaks, the site was a mess for a while but no longer, it looks fine on my screen, hopefully on yours too.
If my baby brother is reading, Sammy-Sam-Sam, can you take a look at the "source" and see if you can help? I don't know why I was able to move the darn posts down before and now it doesn't work (newbies' luck?)

[3/6/2002 12:37:11 AM | Regina Cohen]
Yeah, ok, I admit it..the flames freaked me out a bit, so I decided to make a change---also, the first template I used was purple and green and I guess I wanted to go back to that, also to prove to myself that I could change the template - I "do'ed" it myself! YAY!!!!!! ME!!!!!!
Anyway, what does everyone think? Is it pretty...or pretty annoying? You tell me! Anyway, I like it.
I will be changing some graphics and stuff later in the week, I have to get some sleep now...oh, my dad is much better, he will be going to the "rehab" ward soon, maybe Wednesday, they will do PT 4 times a day. He was much more "with it" today when my mom went to see him, he sat up to the side of the bed to eat, and knew more what was going on. So that is a relief.
So I better get some sleep...I AM going to the gym tomorrow...I AM going to the gym tomorrow..I AM going to the gym tomorrow...if I say it enough times it will be true! :^)

These posts are from 3/9/02
I am posting my original 'blog posts to my new 'blog page..for those who may not be able to see the blogspot.com page w/Netscape

[3/7/2002 10:23:21 PM | Regina Cohen]
Well, I took a 20 minute power nap which unfortunately turned into a 135 minute power nap, so I won't be sleeping for a while :^( So anyway I finally got my picture hosting site up on tripod. It's not exciting or anything, just a site to host my pics. I have changed my template so the images are from the Tripod site. I am not sure why they don't show up in Windows 98, does it have to do with the fact that I have XP or not? Just wondering, if anyone knows I would appreciate the expertise. Maybe switching to Tripod will help, who knows? (Seriously, who knows? You? A friend? HELP!)
I want to post a picture of myself but can't get it the right size. I almost had it but it's just a hair too large. Well, all you unfortunates will have to wait. I am pretty darn cute, sorry, it's the truth! You all are missing out! :^)

[3/7/2002 9:30:47 PM | Regina Cohen]
MMMkay..I like this green! Anyway, I got my first e-mail commenting on the site from someone I do not know :^) YAY! "MB" thought that OhReginaaaaaaaa was a reference to a scene in "The Impostors," a movie from a few years ago starring Stanley Tucci .
He soon found out to his dismay that it was not. I guess there is a scene in the movie where the first mate is on the ship's radio and says he wants to talk to "Regina." I remember seeing the movie on cable, but I must have not been paying too close attention because I don't remember hearing my name, and by golly, that's the one thing I remember from my dreadfully boring PSYCH 120 course at Purdue (yeah, I dropped it freshman year on the absolute last day that you could, it was November in the first semester of my freshman year, I think), that people respond to their names, even if they have headphones on and some music is playing in one ear, if you say their name in the other ear, they will respond.
On an unrelated topic..I got Pocket Quicken, which is supposed to synch "seamlessly" with Desktop Quicken. It's about as seamless as visible panty lines! It keeps saying there is a missing .DLL file. AUUGH!! I thought Windows XP was supposed to get me OUT of .DLL hell! This is actually the first time I have had a .DLL message since I upgraded to XP, but man, I remember how annoying this used to be! Well, I e-mailed a copy of the synch log to "Ed" at Landware (Quicken does not actually make the product) so hopefully he will get back to me. I can't even register the freakin' thing online because that feature is "temporarily unavailable."

This post is from 3/9/02
I am posting my original 'blog posts to my new 'blog page..for those who may not be able to see the blogspot.com page w/Netscape

[3/9/2002 6:19:17 AM | Regina Cohen]
KEWL! My counter is at 401 WOW!!
Hey, "MB," the guy who e-mailed me about "The Impostors" movie said there is a page or more gap between my description and the postings. On my screen it's about an inch. My brother said before that the first post was encroaching on the description, so I moved it down, not too much, just a bit. What's up with that? I would love to hear from others, what browsers they are using and how does the page look?
Got to eat. Let me know!

This post is from 3/11/02
I am posting my original 'blog posts to my new 'blog page..for those who may not be able to see the blogspot.com page w/Netscape

[3/11/2002 8:58:16 PM | Regina Cohen]
Hmm..I am not sure why there are 2 identical (well, almost) posts from yesterday...I swear the first one never published! Anyway, sorry about that. So the series finale of "Any Day Now" was on last night. So was 6 Feet Under and Queer as Folk, and The Chris Isaak Show and of course and most importantly the documentary by the 2 French brothers about the events of 9/11. I taped all those shows, yes, I live by myself, have 4 TVs and 3 VCRs...yes, it's almost like having a life! I watched Any Day Now..I was so bummed that Theresa didn't come to the wedding! I thought she'd come and upstage Renee as she walked down the aisle with her brother. Bummer! But the episode was cool, Catherine and Sarah made nice, Kelly and Ajoni made nice, ME mentioned Davis but I didn't see him, and Renee got married to Turk! Very cool! I am going to wait a while to watch the 9/11 show. Some people at work today were talking about how disturbing it was. It's my niece's 6th birthday today and I don't want to think about it being the anniversary of tragedy. Hell, I found out about my ex-husband's affair on her birthday (her original one)! It already doesn't have the best connotation for me, so maybe Thursday night...of course, I work Friday evening this week so I could stay up and watch "ER," but it's a f***king rerun so I will have some time! I did watch 6 Feet Under, man, they trick me every time with those dream sequences. I can't believe the mom is going to join that EST-wanna be cult! And Claire keeps hanging out with that loser! Smart women, foolish choices. Or not-so-smart women...whatever! I love that show! Rico rules! He's so cute! And really loves his wife and family, that impresses me. And Gillardi got fired! HA HA! Pretty-boy wanna be loser! And Rachel Griffiths...I hope she gets some help to come out of her depression. I loved it when she tweaked Nate on his forehead..too cool! I have links to the Any Day Now and 6 Feet Under websites so you can actually know what I am babbling on about!
And check out my friend Jack's resume. I hope someone can offer him a job, take a look at his work, he is really talented.
I picked up my new glasses today, they're so cute! They are slightly underpowered, for close-up work at the computer, and since I am becoming a huge web-netizen-blogger-geek, that seems appropriate.

This post is from 3/13/02
I am posting my original 'blog posts to my new 'blog page..for those who may not be able to see the blogspot.com page w/Netscape

So my therapist says it is really important for me to focus on the good things in life. I had been keeping a happy journal, very simple, just a few thoughts a day about anything that made me feel good. So here goes...happy 'blog!
1. The nurses on 10 Tower at the hospital where I work said I give the pharmacy a good name, I anticipate their needs before they do, and even when I am busy they don't feel like I am ignoring them! KEWL!

2. I got an order with some pretty dubious handwriting (even for a doctor) and thought a med was ordered BID (twice a day--BTW, once on "Millionaire" the $125,000 question was "If a medication is ordered BID, how often is it to be given?" DUDE! If I would have been there that would have been SWEET! Twice a day, final answer, Mr Regis!) and the RN thought it was QID (four times a day)...and I was right! YAY! ME!

3. My counter is at 499..SWEET!

4. The cards I made to publicize my website are SWEET! Everyone has been complimenting me on them!

5. Tomorrow is the last day I have to get up early this week...and I have a 3-day weekend coming up...and my niece's birthday party is Saturday- HOORAY!

6. New South Park tonight...well, I can't stay up to watch it but I can watch tomorrow AM! And fast forward through the commercials!

7. I restarted my happy journal..hey, it's something!

I have to eat something and then go to bed! Strict bedtime tonight!!

This post is from 3/15/02
I am posting my original 'blog posts to my new 'blog page..for those who may not be able to see the blogspot.com page w/Netscape

[3/15/2002 11:59:19 PM | Regina Cohen]

More happy 'blog!

I slept for 12 hours last night/this morning...AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! (Sigh of relief at a rare night of good sleep)

Work was not bad...I caught an allergy and saved a patient from getting a med that could have caused a serious reaction

I had a cool dream that I found the new Sony Clie models (currently only available in Japan) at Best Buy and they let me trade in my T615C for one--even trade--notice I said this was a DREAM! But it was hella-cool. Check out PDA Geek Heaven, Part II for more news on the SWEET new Clies. I will be a BIG sucker and buy one, no doubt in my mind!

I went to the gym last night. Felt good! Did mega-crunches. I am determined to flatten my stomach. I did 6 sets of 88 reps with 90 pounds of resistance on the ab-cruncher machine. WOW!!

My pal Dave @work loaned me the Series 7 DVD for the weekend--WHOO-HOO! I knew getting him that for his birthday would pay off :^)

I ran out of cards to announce my 'blog...gee, I guess I will have to print more...yes, that is fun for a geek like myself!

Well, that's about it. My friend Julie at work got a sweet new computer and she's going to check out my 'blog..Julie, hope you like it babe...e-mail me and let me know what you think!

…and now it is time once again for "The Daily (Almost) Affirmation to The Little Girl", the little girl inside me who for 30 years or more has been my protector….
YAY! US! Happy blog! Good night, sleep tight! This to us both! I love you!

..and this has been the…
Posted just for you by Regina Cohen 2002_03_24_id4.html#75039290">6:00 PM
These posts are from 3/17/02
I am posting my original 'blog posts to my new 'blog page..for those who may not be able to see the blogspot.com page w/Netscape

[3/17/2002 2:06:30 PM | Regina Cohen]
I changed the "Hey, Kool-Aid" Guy to a pretty purple flower...which of course I hope you all can see! I also changed the title of my sidebar for the 8th or 9th time, to the "Spring is coming" sidebar! I heard birds twittering this morning, and my tulips I thought I had dug up are fooled into coming up, so it must be almost Spring!

I forgot to tell you a cute thing that happened at my niece's birthday party...it must be the new thing amongst the 6 year old set. As they sang "Happy Birthday to You," every line was followed by a very loud and heartfelt "CHA-CHA-CHA!" even after the song was over, one more "CHA-CHA-CHA" was heard! Too funny! I think that will become a tradition!

...and did I mention my father is home from the hospital and doing well? He uses a walker, they are looking for a wheelchair place that will accept a Medicare assignment. My dad wants a scooter-thing but I think (and my mom does too) that it's impractical for a small condo like theirs..he just wants to use it inside, pretty goofy. Oh, well, thanks to all for their good wishes to me and my dad.

…and now it is time once again for "The Daily (Almost) Affirmation to The Little Girl", the little girl inside me who for 30 years or more has been my protector….
Dad's home! YAY! He will be just fine. I know this thing with him has been rough on us, stirring up a lot from childhood, it's ok, that's what Susan is there to help with. Trust her, trust me! Good night, sleep tight! This to us both! I love you!

..and this has been the…

[3/17/2002 2:41:23 AM | Regina Cohen]
Ok..once more I changed something...I hope you can see the purple mirrored disco ball up and to the left...it's pretty sweet! It rotates and everything!

Also...although it has yet to have worked, I am begging for help with a computer problem..HP's scanning program says my scan cannot be initialized...the scanner cannot be found...what the f***? I just used it not 2 days ago. The same thing happened with my laser printer, I had to make a "copy" of it, and now it works. Hey! Maybe I will try to make a "copy" of my scanner. Yeah, and if that doesn't work...BAH! Can anyone offer some advice? :^)
Hmmm...all of a sudden the scanner works...could UFO's be involved???

…and now it is time once again for "The Daily (Almost) Affirmation to The Little Girl", the little girl inside me who for 30 years or more has been my protector….
UFO's indeed! See how fun it can be to joke about our problems? Things can upset us or we can learn to deal with them! We have a GREAT sense of humor, and it can help us to alleviate/avoid a lot of pain! It's a good thing! Trust me, trust Susan! Good night, sleep tight! This to us both! I love you!

..and this has been the…

[3/17/2002 1:42:47 AM | Regina Cohen]
Hey..I forgot it's Sunday already...I have no green to wear this St Patty's Day...I guess I'll get pinched!

And I have to say I enjoyed Ian McKellen on SNL...he played Maggie Smith on "Update" and asked Jimmy Fallon for a kiss for good luck on Oscar night. Jimmy leaned in to kiss "her" cheek and Ian turned around and they kissed full on the mouth! It was too funny!
Ian had mentioned in his opening monologue that he thought Jimmy was so cute...BTW check out Ian in "Gods and Monsters" with Brendan Fraser...that performance is amazing! So Jimmy says..."Does this mean I'm knighted? Or did I just get queened?" Don't know if those were adlibs but pretty clever either way. Then he said, "Maggie Smith should shave!" I love Jimmy Fallon. I sent for tickets to SNL (they only take postcards, yes, even pre-anthrax and only in August.) I hope they pick my card. My friend Maureen and I will go, we are going to get pictures with Jimmy Fallon and she is going to lick his face! Jimmy, if you're out there, have I got a girl for you! She's tall, readheaded, Irish, cute, smart, funny..what else could you want? And her name is Maureen..remember the "Sully" skit where you say that "Maureen" (played by host Gwyneth Paltrow) is hot? See? You already have an opening line! She lived in Boston for a while and loves the "Sully" sketches..she says you really capture the essence of "every guy in Boston!"
E-mail me dude!

…and now it is time once again for "The Daily (Almost) Affirmation to The Little Girl", the little girl inside me who for 30 years or more has been my protector….
How cool is Jimmy Fallon? Maybe he'll e-mail us HA HA! That would be KEWL! It's ok to dream, Susan will help us resolve our dreams with real life. Maybe our dream of sleeping well will come true! Keep hoping! It's ok..it's not too late! We will continue in our healing! Good night, sleep tight! This to us both! I love you!

..and this has been the…

[3/17/2002 1:34:40 AM | Regina Cohen]
Happy, happy, happy...'blog, 'blog, 'blog!

I slept pretty well Friday night..I worked til 11 pm and had to wind down a bit before I went to bed, but I slept for about 2 hours then 5.5 hours...for me that's pretty good!

My niece's birthday party was fun, 6 year olds are noisy...yes, I think even noisier than the 5 year olds at her birthday party last year!
Last year was all girls, and they can squeal, but the boys were doing imitations of WWF and so things were pretty loud and raucous...and it was HOT in my sister's house...body heat..gotta love it! The kids were treated to a "Mad Science" show, the young woman who presented it, "Reactive Rebecca" had the patience of a saint..she was so good with the kids, she reinforced the rules (Listen, raise your hand to speak, don't touch dangerous chemicals, and most of all HAVE FUN!) over and over, since, to borrow a phrase from the CLASSIC american cinema piece, BASEketball, the children of today have attention spans that can be measured in nanoseconds (that's 10 to the minus-ninth for all you lucky people who never took physics)!! She loved the Hermione Lego I got her.
Very cool. She gave me lots of hugs and kisses...always a plus...makes my millenium!

Watched Series 7 tonight...that movie is messed up! But it is entertaining, in a sick way. It's about a reality show where the contestants have to kill each other to gain their freedom. I thought it was going to be more like Survivor, where the contestants actually want to be on the show...hey, the way things are escalating, with the "I'll do ANYTHING to win" attitude, I could see it. But that is not the case. I don't want to ruin the movie so I will just say, the "contenders" are selected at random, using government assigned ID numbers. I was into that whole ID card thing, but now I am not so sure. But I am glad I saw the movie thus it is a "happy" thing, kind of ! The performances were excellent, everyone captured the absurdity of these stupid-a** reality shows. I caught myself, at points where the show was "breaking for a commercial," or seeming to, they didn't have any commercials, real or fake, wanting to fast-forward to see what was going to happen next.

After the party, I took a nice juicy nap, mmmm.......nap! Then watched the 9/11 show from 3/10...it was harrowing, it makes the happy 'blog because of the newly refreshed profound appreciation I have for fire/rescue workers of all kinds. If you didn't see it, you missed a documentation of a piece of history we have not seen til this point. I encourage all to find someone who taped it (if you know me, I taped it) and watch it.

Well, that is about it. I have some new fun stuff on my image hosting site (if you can see that sort of thing on your 'puter) if you want to check it out. I am especially proud of the purple mirrored disco ball.

…and now it is time once again for "The Daily (Almost) Affirmation to The Little Girl", the little girl inside me who for 30 years or more has been my protector….
YAY! US! We are bloggers, hear us roar! Good night, sleep tight! This to us both! I love you!

..and this has been the…

Originally posted[3/18/2002 12:55:38 PM | Regina Cohen]
I am posting my original 'blog posts to my new 'blog page..for those who may not be able to see the blogspot.com page w/Netscape

So I 'sampled' some code from my good friend Jack Saturn, and now when someone e-mails me from my 'blog, the subject line comes up automatically as "Regina, I LOVE your 'blog!" But the text ("click here to e-mail me") comes out as blue, when I thought I had written into the code to make it purple. But when I pass the mouse over the text it turns purple..so go figure!

I did get an e-mail from "Zonker" at Dissociated Press, and the subject line said he loved my 'blog! HA HA Anyway, I have linked to his site over on the "Spring is coming" sidebar. Check it out!

Other fave joke from SNL this week...Tina Fey reported on the new Homeland Security Colored Alert system to alert Americans as to what level of security we are at. (Ooh, bad sentence structure)...So she reported that Senator Strom Thurmond was very excited about this, saying...(insert old man southern accent) "Why, a coluhed alert system? I been waitin' fo' one of the-emm for yeaaaahs!"
I love Tina Fey, she is my hero! When I get my hair blown out straight I like to think I look like her. She is AWESOME!

…and now it is time once again for "The Daily (Almost) Affirmation to The Little Girl", the little girl inside me who for 30 years or more has been my protector….
YAY! Zonker loves our 'blog! Well, everyone that e-mails us from the blog will have the subject line of the e-mail "Regina, I LOVE your 'blog!" A cool piece of code we "borrowed" from our friend jack saturn. YAY! US! We are bloggers, hear us roar! Good night, sleep tight! This to us both! I love you!

..and this has been the…

Originally posted [3/19/2002 9:22:01 PM | Regina Cohen]
I am posting my original 'blog posts to my new 'blog page..for those who may not be able to see the blogspot.com page w/Netscape
Anyway...some happy thoughts for the day

YAY! I finally got the "click here to e-mail me" text to be purple! And the "byline" text too!

The drive home wasn't bad, even with the awful construction on the eastside of Indianapolis, and the fact that I didn't leave work til 5 pm!

Even though I was so busy at work today I only whined a little :^)

My appointment with my therapist went well. My "little girl" (the little girl inside me) is really starting to trust Susan, my therapist, so of course a lot of fear, anger and..did I mention fear? came out. All the better to avoid real feelings with! But it is important and it is important to be able to discuss this with Susan.

I have a SWEET Jimmy John's sandwich for lunch tomorrow. I haven't actually eaten there but they come highly recommended. I am sure I will love it!

My website shows up on my Clie (PDA) and so I got to show Susan my icons. I encourage those of you who can surf the web on your "PDA" (if you have the internet on your cell phone, I have put a link over on the "Spring is Coming" sidebar to TeleAdapt, a company that manufactures connector cables to connect your cell to your PDA so you can check e-mail and surf the web on your PDA.) to try to see my site on their PDAs. Yeah, the web is slow and not every site works, but if you are somewhere where you have to wait anyway, then it kills a lot of time :^) And it totally impresses people! They think it's so cool! I am so excited that my site shows up on the Clie! YAYYYY!!!!!!!!!! Susan has Mac and AOL so she can't see my icons on my 'blog or Tripod site. So that was cool she got to see them!

New South Park tomorrow night...Freak Strike..the boys try to get Butters on a TV show for freaks. Of course, they make him up like some sort of freak. Poor butters! They really need to get Kenny back from the dead, I miss the little dude!

Strict bedtime tonight!
Strict bedtime...good night!

…and now it is time once again for "The Daily (Almost) Affirmation to The Little Girl", the little girl inside me who for 30 years or more has been my protector….
YAY! Happy 'blog! We are bloggers, hear us roar! Good night, sleep tight! This to us both! I love you!

..and this has been the…

Originally posted [3/20/2002 9:32:50 PM]
I am posting my original 'blog posts to my new 'blog page..for those who may not be able to see the blogspot.com page w/Netscape

Oh, and the Jimmy John's sandwich was really good..not quite as good as Baguettes, a small chain in Berrien MI, land of seventh-day adventists...why can't they celebrate the same sabbath as...wait, I'm Jewish...never mind! Anyway, the stores are closed on Saturdays. These sandwiches are AWESOME! They grill the bread, and heap on the fresh veggies and they have the most delicious sauces...when I went up to MI for the baby shower for my friends who adopted the children from Guatemala, (see "The cutest kids not actually related to me" link over to the side) the fact that I left on Sunday at lunchtime had nothing to do with the fact that Baguette's was due to open in 30 minutes, and was about 30 minutes away...yes, nothing at all! MMM...Baguette's...(drool)
Dreaming of Baguette's....good night!

So I have been searching the web for this...Ok, here's the thing...I am not sure that what I need even exists. I bought a TV that had speaker hook-ups on the back, then I had to return the TV and get another one, I bought speakers for the new TV, except - whoops! - it has no speaker hook-ups.
So what I need to know is, is there a way to hook-up these new speakers to the receiver/DVD player that already has 5 speakers hooked-up to it and has no room for any more speakers? In short (too late!) is there a "speaker splitter" so to speak?
Can anyone out there advise? There has to be some way to do this? Or if not...any patent attorneys out there? I swear, isn't that a good idea? I also have an idea to improve computer programs that teach you how to type. I have never actually used one, which may be why it takes me so long to post, so maybe they already do this, but I think there should be a mock-up of a computer keyboard on the screen, so you can look at the screen, not your keyboard, but somehow it should respond when you hit a key, that key should light up on the screeen, to let you know what you pushed, right or wrong. Check out PDA Geek Heaven Part II (on the "Spring is Coming" sidebar) for info on a cool thing in the works...a virtual keyboard that can be projected onto any flat surface, then you can "type" on it and it will respond. So cool!
I tried to install Pocket Quicken AGAIN and it didn't work. I did everything they said to do and nothing works. No accounts on my Clie. BUMMER! I hope someday I can get the darn thing to work!
It was busy again at work and I didn't whine too much. I ran through 2 intrathecal chemotherapies then they weren't given! Bummer dude! But I remembered a lot of nurses' names on the Bone Marrow unit, I have made an effort to learn the names and I have succeeded to a degree. It's a work in progress.
My pal Jen at work was going to check out the site...Hey, Jen, e-mail me and let me know what you think! Just click on the "Click here to e-mail me" link over to the side! Thanx babe!
Strict bedtime tonight...my brother-in-law called me last night after 10 pm, I was asleep...bless his heart, he scared me to death!
He (and a partner) took over my father's floor covering business, he wanted to drop off some laminate..he left it in the door. Unfortunately it's too light. Too bad! I will get laminate in my downstairs bathroom..someday! :^)

…and now it is time once again for "The Daily (Almost) Affirmation to The Little Girl", the little girl inside me who for 30 years or more has been my protector….
We had so much fun at the shower! No sleep but it was ok, lots of fun and friendship :^) That's what it's all about! Here's to more of both! Good night, sleep tight! This to us both! I love you!

..and this has been the…


Monday, March 25, 2002

This was first posted 3/23/02 at 9:03 pm.

I am republishing my old posts to my Tripod site, newest posts first.

No one has signed my guestbook yet...oh, well, I am proud of it anyway, it is pretty cool.

Work today was ok, there was a problem with some tubing on one of the IV bags.. I stayed late to see it through...everything turned out fine, and I know how to fix it should it happen again.

Went to the gym after work, had to take a power nap on the way, then I worked on the machines for about 35 minutes, and rode the stationary bike for 35 minutes...then it was time for the YMCA to close so no treadmill tonight. Bummer! But it still felt good. I did 7, yes, 7 sets of 88 reps with 90 pounds of resistance on the ab machine. YAY!

I got my litle Sparkle Radner dog today at the gift shop. I have put a link to Gilda's club over on the sidebar. Very cool place! I miss Gilda! I am reading a book about SNL's genesis, it is really fascinating. The E! Channel is going to start running the original SNL shows April 1st. I don't know what time yet, the ads don't say and I can't find it on their website. Lorne Michaels has forbidden the Louise Lasser and Milton Berle shows from the 1st season to be shown in reruns...which is too bad because they sound like such train wrecks it would be really fun to watch...like a horrible thing you can't turn away from! I will have some insight on the shows from the book, though.

I was going to see "Iris" tonight, I love Jim Broadbent (he was so great in Moulin Rouge, the "Like a Virgin" number was a scream!) and the movie looks really good. But I am just so tired, I probably won't go anywhere tonight...SIGH! Tomorrow night the Oscars are on, I can't stay up to watch the whole thing but you know I'll be taping the show. I think most of the politics and debate are silly, just vote for the best movies, performances, writing, and effects, let the cream rise to the top. And I think "Memento" was snubbed big-time! Where are the acting nominations for Guy Pearce and "Joey Pants?" And a director's nod for Christopher Nolan? And for that matter, a best picture nom? If you haven't seen the movie, DO IT NOW! It's so unlike anything I have ever seen, it blew me away! I don't want to give anything away, so just see it!

I don't have to work tomorrow and I am the happiest girl in the world! :^) I am definitely going to the gym, then to Meijer, then to watch endless Oscar coverage. Fun! Or a reasonable fascimile!

I can't believe I am watching "Dude, Where's My Car?" Hal Sparks is in it! I guess this was post-"Talk Soup," pre-"Queer as Folk."
Speaking of QAF, DAMN! Brian Kinney is HOT! Too bad he likes men. I have to rent the first season DVDs, I want to watch the "extras," cast bios and such. BTW if you're playing along at home, I would be Ted. We have so much in common, besides the fact that we like men. Strong reactions to medications, for one. Who saw the Viagra ep where poor Ted was priapic for 18 hours? The guy who played Michael Bolton in "Office Space" is in "Dude" too..I love "Office Space;" what a terrific movie. "My stapler!" "Pass the cake.." "Sounds like someone's got a case of the Mondays." every line in that movie is a classic. Another rental recommendation from your friendly pharmacist, Regina. I minored in film studies at Purdue so I know of where I speak. Not really, well, I do know movies, but I did not minor in film studies. I did not minor in anything because the Pharmacy school does not allow minors (yes, no Doogie Howser pharmacists allowed)..but if I did have enought credits to have a minor in philosophy. I took a medical ethics course and am still very interested in the subject.

Well, that's about it. I am going to make cream of wild rice soup and put chicken in it..to make some sort of Cream of Chicken and Wild Rice soup...like at Panera Bread...mmm...Panera Bread! I will miss them during Passover!

…and now it is time once again for "The Daily (Almost) Affirmation to The Little Girl", the little girl inside me who for 30 years or more has been my protector….
Yes, we are Ted from QAF...but Ted has good friends he can count on..and so do we! Sometimes we feel alone, but we are not! And as we let more people see "the real us," we will have more good friends! Trust me! Good night, sleep tight! This to us both! I love you!

..and this has been the…

The following was posted 3/23/02 at 9:46 pm...I am republishing my old posts, newest post first, to my Tripod site.

I sleep in my car. A lot! Every day, almost. I get so tired after breakfast, I think I am hypoglycemic. I have a long construction-filled drive to work, then when I get there I am so tired I take a power nap in the car. I have a portable battery-operated alarm clock I keep in the car, it is so cute, it looks like a large computer mouse, and it's purple (who knew?)

Anyway, sometimes I have to pull over to the side of the highway and take a power nap on the way home from work. Maybe I am narcoleptic, I don't sleep well at night, most nights, we are working on that in my therapy sessions, it got better for a while but now if sux rox again. Anyway, some people think this is strange, but it's normal to me!

There is a woman I know who does not care for me, or so it would seem. Some details have been changed to protect the "only looks sweet and innocent." (that would be me, one of the few things my ex-husband was right about) We have had similar life experiences and are alike in many ways, and when we first met I thought we would be good friends. Not so! And thanks to my wonderful therapist, Susan, I know why. It's because I told her of my therapy. She must push me away, and not like me or get to know me any better, because then, because of hers and my similar experiences, then she may feel like she needs therapy, but won't seek it, so she would be weak, like me, or at least how she perceives me, for seeking therapy. Then she would feel even worse than she does. There's no way this woman feels good inside, it's very sad to me, unfortunately her narcissistic behavior makes it difficult to feel sorry for her, or not to get annoyed with her sometimes, not that she needs my pity, or seems to care if I am annoyed. Any perceived weakness in herself or others is unacceptable...which is the way I feel at times. Hmm..another way we are alike! This theory makes such perfect sense! Susan is fabu-tastic!

SWEET! They are going to show the original Hollywood Squares on Game Show Network! Paul Lynde rules! The funniest thing I remember his saying was in response to a question that went something like this...The NBA has a new 3-point rule...when are 3 points awarded? ...and Paul snickered and replied, "When a white guy makes a basket!" CLASSIC! I miss him, too!

The Golden Pyramid awards are on the Game Show Network...really just an excuse for a whole bunch of "Pyramid" eps...besides "Scrabble," and the original "Password," that is my fave game show!

Well, I am going to make the aforementioned soup...good night!

…and now it is time once again for "The Daily (Almost) Affirmation to The Little Girl", the little girl inside me who for 30 years or more has been my protector….
So what if some people don't like us? Big hairy deal! Susan will help us put those people out of our minds! YAY! US! So brave for seeking help! Good night, sleep tight! This to us both! I love you!

..and this has been the…


Sunday, March 24, 2002

OMG! I got my 'blog on my Tripod site too...now those with Netscape can see it in all, or most of its glory!

Watching the Oscars, trying to make myself go to bed. I figured Jennifer Connelly was a sure thing, or as close as possible. I predict Ian McKellen, Nicole Kidman, Denzel Washington, and Lord of the Rings. Let's see how I do, well, I won't see til tomorrow, or the middle of the night when I wake up and flip to E!

long day..more later :^)

I have to publish before Marcia Gay Harden names the winner!

…and now it is time once again for "The Daily (Almost) Affirmation to The Little Girl", the little girl inside me who for 30 years or more has been my protector….
Love the Oscars! Movies are a great escape, we use them well! It's fun to lose ourselves in a great movie! Go girl! Good night, sleep tight! This to us both! I love you!

..and this has been the…

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