
A 'Blog (Weblog, Internet Diary)

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*If not using Netscape or Opera, feel free to check out my aforementioned "other" 'blog site!

*dtisfu.com--All the news about my future husband and my future lover!

*For the finest in kids' meal toys!

*Get cool blogstickers like I do HERE!

*Connect your cell phone to your PDA? Yes, it's true! Click HERE!

*Netflix...DVDs to your door, no late fees, give it a try! :^)

*See how your favorite movies rank among AFI's 100 top romances!

*JessMonkey...local blogger makes good..and she's married to Chimpuat!

*Chimpuat...another local blogger makes good..and he's married to JessMonkey!

*RuPaul's 'blog! He/She is one of us :^)

*Gilda's club--Check it out! I miss Gilda Radner! :^(

*Check out 'Zonker's' website-Dissociated Press!

*PDA Geek Heaven, Part I

*Check out "Spacemonk's" 'blog-He's KEWL!

*Here's Christopher Lowell's homepage...you have to see it to believe it!

*PDA Geek Heaven, Part II

*Clie Geek Heaven

*If you're not reading this, you should be!

*The cutest kids not actually related to me!

*Six Feet Under-that show ROOLZ!

*My friend Jack Saturn's resume..He is a really talented Web Designer! Anyone got a job for him?

*Any Day Now...SIGH! The show's over..the website lives on!

*This dude finds cool stuff, scans it in, all for your morbid curiosity!

*Can't read those vanity cards at the end of "Dharma and Greg?" You can here!

*Don't know much...about Jewish Holidays, but would like to? Click HERE!"

*See the state quarters in all their glory!

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Saturday, April 06, 2002

Disclaimer:Every post will begin with this text:"This post to be posted simultaneously on 2 sitesohregina.blogspot.com
and my tripod site*click on the weblog tag on the home page :^)
...blogspot works best with IE, Netscapers use the Tripod site :^) Enjoy!"

So what's happened in the last 2 days? Not much! But I am sure I can stretch it out into a decent post!

I tried to put a link in the "undertitle," if I may coin a phrase, of my 2 'blogs, to my other 'blog. I wanted them to work on Netscape, they didn't, so I bagged it!

I picked up my film from Meijer tonight, I have the SAWWEET Kodak Advantix Preview camera, so I can tell it how many of each picture I want (even none) after I take the picture. Well, I only had one of each print! So I asked the kids behind the counter and they said there was nothing they could do. I don't think they quite understood my problem, the one kid asked me where was my little piece of paper with the print quantities on it, he clearly did not get it. The other kid said I had to get reprints, and that it must be my camera. Well, it's not my camera! I checked and it's fine, and I read the manual, there is no way to accidentally "turn off" the extra print thing. So I won't be taking my film to Meijer anymore...well, I might give them one more chance, I found these stickers that came with my camera, they say "Print quantity indicated on film" and you can place a sticker in the "special instructions" portion of the film envelope. So I might give that a try, although I have been taking my Advantix film to Meijer for almost a year now and this has only happened once before, when they lost my film then asked me, when they were gathering info to find it, how many prints did I check on the box? And I said "Singles" because I tell it how many, so I don't want doubles or triples unless I say so! I think I will call Meijer's phone hotline Monday just to see if I can get free reprints or something! BTW the pics look great!

I met my friend Kris for brunch today, she is another who has always seen the "real me," the generous, kind soul I feel I really am. We discussed how just hearing, once, sincerely, from your parents that they are proud of you (especially from a father to a daughter) can make all the difference in your life. Kris has heard this, I haven't. Bingo! Brunch was delicious (Sunrise Cafe, Keystone at the Crossing, for you Indy people) and we had a nice talk about everything. It's so fun to meet with her. Can't wait for the Louisiana quarters, we will meet again when they come out (I get her 3 sets of Philadelphia and Denver quarters for her grandkids).

A funny thing happened, I said I was going to Bed Bath & Beyond after brunch, Kris said she would come too. But she went to Bath & Body works. I got worried so I called her from B B & B, and discovered the mixup..too funny!

I went to bed early last night..I went to the gym after work, even though I was exhausted, I had to take a power nap before I went in, man, I still felt like I was asleep for the first 30 min of my workout, I kept my eyes closed and everything! But I got energized, and did 50 minutes on the machines, then 35 minutes on the stationary bike. Then my re-energization turned to re-exhaustion and I went home. Today I went after B B & B and did 50 minutes on the machines, 35 minutes on the stationary bike and 35 minutes on the treadmill. I came home and had to take a nap.

I was going to see a movie but then wimped out. I want to see "Monsoon Wedding" and "High Crimes" and...well, that's about it. I just can't make myself go to the movies lately, and that bums me out because I really love the movies, but just not motivated I guess.

I have to say I LOVE the Game Show Network, I am watching The $1.98 Beauty Contest, it is hilarious! I swear one time the winner was Sandra Bernhardt, although she called herself "Francine the Teenage Queen." This is early to mid-70's stuff, the clothes are hideous, Rip Taylor is hilarious, and the guest stars are totally b-list. Too funny! I hope the fat girl, Renee, wins!

Well, I won't be setting my clock ahead, and you can't make me..no, I am not a rebel, I live in Indiana! We don't do that, nor does Arizona or Hawaii. It doesn't seem strange to me because it's all I have ever known, every year the legislature takes up the Daylight Savings Time issue, every year it gets shot down. Whatever! It's just so silly that in the winter when the sun sets at 4:30 or 5 pm, and people rush home, TV prime time doesn't start til 8 pm, then in the summer when people are out enjoying sunshine til 7 or 8 at night, prime time starts at 7 pm. Well, the network affiliates finally started tape-delaying, but cable doesn't! :^P

I read in my "SNL" book about Vance DeGeneres, he is Ellen DeGeneres' brother and is a correspondent on the Daily Show, well, he was the original Mr Hand in the Mr Bill shorts. He sued for merchandising rights and $$ and got a paltry sum. I can't believe he did that! The poor guy who did the Mr Bill shorts really got hosed, lots of unlicensed merchandise was made and he had to hire a lawyer to prevent it. He did license a T-shirt, but it sounds like he just didn't realize Mr Bill would be so huge! Poor guy!

I saw the funniest skit on the old SNL on the E! Channel. It was Chevy Chase administering a word association test to Richard Pryor. It started out innocently, dog...tree, fast...slow, rain...snow...then it escalated...tarbaby..(what? Richard asked)...tarbaby...ofay!
Jungle Bunny...redneck! Spearchucker..white trash! then...Spade..Honky! Then something I can't remember, to which Richard replied "Honkey, Honkey! Then Chevy speaks the N-word, to which Richard replies "DEAD Honkey!" Then Chevy offers him 3x his first offer of salary, tells him to take some time off..."You look tired!" It's classic, funny, thoughtful, and could never be done today, isn't that sad? I ordered a CD off of Amazon.com of SNL skits and songs, we used to have it on vinyl when we were kids. It has that skit with Chevy and Richard, and so much else. It's one of the funniest things I have ever heard. I can't wait to get it. One of the things on it is a song sung by Jane, Larraine and Gilda. They call themselves "Chevy's Girls" and sing about how much they love Chevy. Well I read in my SNL book that the song is sarcastic, Chevy really had a big head by then and people on the show wrote this as a dig. Well, they fooled me. When I was a kid listening to the record, I thought "Boy, they really like him!" Fished in!

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! The fat girl won the $1.98 Beauty Contest!!!!!!!!! That's so cool! As an overweight girl myself this is very cool to see! I am cute as a button, smart as a whip, sharp as a tack, unfortunately I am overweight so men ignore me. Where is a guy who can see past the physical and see what a wonderful person I am? If anyone knows someone like that, or IS someone like that, e-mail me!

I wish my typing would improve...at my old job we e-charted everything and I got much better at it, well, now my 'blog and e-mail are the only things I type so maybe if I didn't 'blog only when I am tired it would be better! Oh, well, I am almost always tired so I will just have to focus and get better at typing.

Oh, well, SNL is on. New one tonight, Cameron Diaz and Jimmy Eat World. Hope it's good. They really need to call me and let me know I have tickets! I plan to go to NY in July to see my friend ML, but wouldn't mind going to see SNL soon!! NBC-CALL ME!!!
Better go...Ana Gasteyer is "outing" her pregnancy, Marty and Bobbi Mohan-Kulp are doing a childbirth medley...too funny! Good night! :^)

Quick affirmation...5-20-02...You are good enough, you are smart enough, and you always have been!
Good night, sleep tight, I love you!
...and this has been the....

Disclaimer:Every post will begin with this text:"This post to be posted simultaneously on 2 sitesohregina.blogspot.com
and my tripod site*click on the weblog tag on the home page :^)
...blogspot works best with IE, Netscapers use the Tripod site :^) Enjoy!"

I just re-read my previous post and I made myself sound pretty fat! Well, I am 5' 2", 200#. I have been working out for 2 years now, I am in good shape, I am just still heavy. I have pictures of myself on my Tripod site. Click HERE for some pics of me! I still maintain I am cute...and deserving of love! :^)

Quick affirmation...5-20-02...You are good enough, you are smart enough, and you always have been!
Good night, sleep tight, I love you!
...and this has been the....

Disclaimer:Every post will begin with this text:"This post to be posted simultaneously on 2 sitesohregina.blogspot.com
and my tripod site*click on the weblog tag on the home page :^)
...blogspot works best with IE, Netscapers use the Tripod site :^) Enjoy!"

So what's happened in the last 2 days? Not much! But I am sure I can stretch it out into a decent post!

I tried to put a link in the "undertitle," if I may coin a phrase, of my 2 'blogs, to my other 'blog. I wanted them to work on Netscape, they didn't, so I bagged it!

I picked up my film from Meijer tonight, I have the SAWWEET Kodak Advantix Preview camera, so I can tell it how many of each picture I want (even none) after I take the picture. Well, I only had one of each print! So I asked the kids behind the counter and they said there was nothing they could do. I don't think they quite understood my problem, the one kid asked me where was my little piece of paper with the print quantities on it, he clearly did not get it. The other kid said I had to get reprints, and that it must be my camera. Well, it's not my camera! I checked and it's fine, and I read the manual, there is no way to accidentally "turn off" the extra print thing. So I won't be taking my film to Meijer anymore...well, I might give them one more chance, I found these stickers that came with my camera, they say "Print quantity indicated on film" and you can place a sticker in the "special instructions" portion of the film envelope. So I might give that a try, although I have been taking my Advantix film to Meijer for almost a year now and this has only happened once before, when they lost my film then asked me, when they were gathering info to find it, how many prints did I check on the box? And I said "Singles" because I tell it how many, so I don't want doubles or triples unless I say so! I think I will call Meijer's phone hotline Monday just to see if I can get free reprints or something! BTW the pics look great!

I met my friend Kris for brunch today, she is another who has always seen the "real me," the generous, kind soul I feel I really am. We discussed how just hearing, once, sincerely, from your parents that they are proud of you (especially from a father to a daughter) can make all the difference in your life. Kris has heard this, I haven't. Bingo! Brunch was delicious (Sunrise Cafe, Keystone at the Crossing, for you Indy people) and we had a nice talk about everything. It's so fun to meet with her. Can't wait for the Louisiana quarters, we will meet again when they come out (I get her 3 sets of Philadelphia and Denver quarters for her grandkids).

A funny thing happened, I said I was going to Bed Bath & Beyond after brunch, Kris said she would come too. But she went to Bath & Body works. I got worried so I called her from B B & B, and discovered the mixup..too funny!

I went to bed early last night..I went to the gym after work, even though I was exhausted, I had to take a power nap before I went in, man, I still felt like I was asleep for the first 30 min of my workout, I kept my eyes closed and everything! But I got energized, and did 50 minutes on the machines, then 35 minutes on the stationary bike. Then my re-energization turned to re-exhaustion and I went home. Today I went after B B & B and did 50 minutes on the machines, 35 minutes on the stationary bike and 35 minutes on the treadmill. I came home and had to take a nap.

I was going to see a movie but then wimped out. I want to see "Monsoon Wedding" and "High Crimes" and...well, that's about it. I just can't make myself go to the movies lately, and that bums me out because I really love the movies, but just not motivated I guess.

I have to say I LOVE the Game Show Network, I am watching The $1.98 Beauty Contest, it is hilarious! I swear one time the winner was Sandra Bernhardt, although she called herself "Francine the Teenage Queen." This is early to mid-70's stuff, the clothes are hideous, Rip Taylor is hilarious, and the guest stars are totally b-list. Too funny! I hope the fat girl, Renee, wins!

Well, I won't be setting my clock ahead, and you can't make me..no, I am not a rebel, I live in Indiana! We don't do that, nor does Arizona or Hawaii. It doesn't seem strange to me because it's all I have ever known, every year the legislature takes up the Daylight Savings Time issue, every year it gets shot down. Whatever! It's just so silly that in the winter when the sun sets at 4:30 or 5 pm, and people rush home, TV prime time doesn't start til 8 pm, then in the summer when people are out enjoying sunshine til 7 or 8 at night, prime time starts at 7 pm. Well, the network affiliates finally started tape-delaying, but cable doesn't! :^P

I read in my "SNL" book about Vance DeGeneres, he Ellen DeGeneres' brother and is a correspondent on the Daily Show, well, he was the original Mr Hand in the Mr Bill shorts. He sued for merchandising rights and $$ and got a paltry sum. I can't believe he did that! The poor guy who did the Mr Bill shorts really got hosed, lots of unlicensed merchandise was made and he had to hire a lawyer to prevent it. He did license a T-shirt, but it sounds like he just didn't realize Mr Bill would be so huge! Poor guy!

I saw the funniest skit on the old SNL on the E! Channel. It was Chevy Chase administering a word association test to Richard Pryor. It started out innocently, dog...tree, fast...slow, rain...snow...then it escalated...tarbaby..(what? Richard asked)...tarbaby...ofay!
Jungle Bunny...redneck! Spearchucker..white trash! then...Spade..Honky! Then something I can't remember, to which Richard replied "Honkey, Honkey! Then Chevy speaks the N-word, to which Richard replies "DEAD Honkey!" Then Chevy offers him 3x his first offer of salary, tells him to take some time off..."You look tired!" It's classic, funny, thoughtful, and could never be done today, isn't that sad? I ordered a CD off of Amazon.com of SNL skits and songs, we used to have it on vinyl when we were kids. It has that skit with Chevy and Richard, and so much else. It's one of the funniest things I have ever heard. I can't wait to get it. One of the things on it is a song sung by Jane, Larraine and Gilda. They call themselves "Chevy's Girls" and sing about how much they love Chevy. Well I read in my SNL book that the song is sarcastic, Chevy really had a big head by then and people on the show wrote this as a dig. Well, they fooled me. When I was a kid listening to the record, I thought "Boy, they really like him!" Fished in!

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! The fat girl won the $1.98 Beauty Contest!!!!!!!!! That's so cool! As an overweight girl myself this is very cool to see! I am cute as a button, smart as a whip, sharp as a tack, unfortunately I am overweight so men ignore me. Where is a guy who can see past the physical and see what a wonderful person I am? If anyone knows someone like that, or IS someone like that, e-mail me!

I wish my typing would improve...at my old job we e-charted everything and I got much better at it, well, now my 'blog and e-mail are the only things I type so maybe if I didn't 'blog only when I am tired it would be better! Oh, well, I am almost always tired so I will just have to focus and get better at typing.

Oh, well, SNL is on. New one tonight, Cameron Diaz and Jimmy Eat World. Hope it's good. They really need to call me and let me know I have tickets! I plan to go to NY in July to see my friend ML, but wouldn't mind going to see SNL soon!! NBC-CALL ME!!!
Better go...Ana Gasteyer is "outing" her pregnancy, Marty and Bobbi Mohan-Kulp are doing a childbirth medley...too funny! Good night! :^)

Quick affirmation...5-20-02...Our friend Kris is so great..she sees the "Real Us;" that is such a wonderful thing, to have someone who sees "us!!" Let's allow more people to see the real us, she's pretty terrific! :^)
Good night, sleep tight, this to us both! I love you!
..and this has been the....


Thursday, April 04, 2002

Disclaimer:Every post will begin with this text:"This post to be posted simultaneously on 2 sitesohregina.blogspot.com
and my tripod site*click on the weblog tag on the home page :^)
...blogspot works best with IE, Netscapers use the Tripod site :^) Enjoy!"

So I had a pretty good day today. I got up at about 10:30 am, didn't sleep great but not too bad, I just wake up in the middle of the night and can't go back to sleep for hours! It sux!! Anyway I met my niece and mom for lunch, mom's friend Zelda came too. MMMMM...Steak N Shake! Helen (my niece) can write cursive now, very cool...well, not all the letters but that's ok. She's a leftie and loves to write and play with my Clie (it's so cute the way she holds that little stylus). And she is so darn cute! She's a strong girl, too, does gymnastics and stuff, she is quite a grrrrl...I love her more than anything in the world (except for my nephew of course)
Then I went to the Hallmark store and got the perfect cards for everyone, then went home for a little power nap. I was just drifting off and the phone rang, a telemarketer of course. I hung up. Then one minute before my alarm was going to go off the phone rang again. No one was there! I hate that!

I got my hair cut and got to talk "Six Feet Under" with my stylist. It's nice to have someone to talk about that show with. We dish about the characters like they are real people, friends really. I highly recommend the show to all!

Then I got the perfect gifts for DionNe, who (see post from 4/3/02) is leaving the hospital to move to TX and get married. I won't say what they are, since she may read this, although she did say that her computer crashed..oh, well, that may have been a clever ploy on her part to make me reveal her gifts! Dream on, DionNe! I got some $$ from people at work to buy her gifts. I know she will like them!

Then I went to the mall, tried on all sorts of things, nothing fit very well, too big, too tight, too big a neck, yuk! One pair of pants would have fit if they were one size smaller but they didn't have the right size! Oh, well, it wasn't my day to buy clothes I guess!

Then I went to Meijer and stocked up on Post-Passover food, mm...crumb-cakes, English muffins, Krave bars, Nutri-Grain bars...mmmm......leavened bread!

Now I am going to watch Will & Grace, relax, and contemplate why I hooked up my new speakers and can get each to work individually but not together...any ideas??? Good night!

Quick affirmation...5-20-02...You are good enough, you are smart enough, and you know what? You always have been! Good night, sleep tight, this to us both...I love you!
...and this has been the...


Wednesday, April 03, 2002

Disclaimer:Every post will begin with this text:"This post to be posted simultaneously (well, usually) on 2 sitesohregina.blogspot.com
and my tripod site*click on the weblog tag on the home page :^)
...blogspot works best with IE, Netscapers use the Tripod site :^) Enjoy!"

Ok, so my friend from work and I went out to The Cheesecake Factory with our friend DionNe, who is leaving the hospital (she's an RPh like we are) to move to TX, her fiance lives there. I will miss DionNe, she is a sweet girl. Who ever thought a very pale white Jewish girl like myself would have so much in common with a half-Korean, half-African-American girl like her? Not me! So we had to wait, who cares? It gave us time to talk. The meal was excellent, we gabbed and took pictures, drank yummy alcholic drinks, just had a girls' night! What fun! I need to do that more often! One picture looked hilarious in the viewfinder of my SWEET Advantix Preview camera, I hope it comes out just like it looks, it will be too funny! I have fair skin, well, when DionNe took a picture of me in my new spring outfit, the flash really washed it out, and the multi-colored sweater I was wearing looked like a hoochie-mama, strapless off-the-shoulder tube top, circa 1977...if it turns out I will probably put it on my image hosting site, just for laughs!

Work went well today. A bit frustrating in the afternoon, I was supposed to go to an inservice at 1:30. Well, I thought it was 2 pm, so I rush to get there and they say, no, it was at 1:30, but there's one at 2:30. So I get back at 2:30 and they say, no, it's at 3! So I was getting ready to leave for the 3 pm inservice and Jill, the clinical pharmacist for Bone Marrow/Hematology/Oncology, tells me she has some new chemo for today. So I didn't go, but I didn't get the orders either, she said the doctor hadn't made up his mind which regimen to choose, well, that's pretty darn important, take all the time you need, dude! So I did a few other things and then went home. Man I was so tired today. I could have taken a 2 hour nap in the middle of the day. I sometimes fantasize about the elevator getting stuck so I can take a nap...just kidding! HA HA But sometimes the elevators are awfully hesitant, and I do wonder. Our poor elevators! They are super-fast, but have problems sometimes. Well, they are workhorses, that's for sure!

I finished my taxes, finally. I converted part of my IRA to a Roth so I had to pay, and of course I had to pay the state (Indiana). I have had to pay them every year except for the first year I ever had a real job when I got $6 back. My dad cashed the check for me, I was a freshman in college and I bought a pizza with the $$! I have to pay a whopping $21. Whatever!

Well, I don't have to work tomorrow so I am going to upload a few blogstickers onto my image hosting sites then call it a night, I don't want to waste the day tomorrow. I am meeting my mom and my cuuuuuuuuute niece (she's 6) for lunch. Fun! Then I am getting my hair cut, then I have to go shopping, I have very little non-Passover food in my house.

Quick affirmation...5-20-02...We'lll miss DionNe, we have really gotten to like her, but hey, there's always e-mail, we can keep in touch! She's a good friend and she sees the "real us" which is the best thing of all!
.Good night, sleep tight, this to us both! I love you!
...and this has been the...


Tuesday, April 02, 2002

Disclaimer:Every post will begin with this text:"This post to be posted simultaneously on 2 sitesohregina.blogspot.com
and my tripod site*click on the weblog tag on the home page :^)
...blogspot works best with IE, Netscapers use the Tripod site :^) Enjoy!"

OK, I decided if I could only have one link at the end of posts that would work, I will have a TOP link...to get back to the top of the page, so here I am, mapping Broca's again! :^)

Fine, the TOP link doesn't work...you people will have to scroll up..sorry :^(
Unless someone out there in cyberspace can tell me how to make it work, I did the same thing on my blogspot.com site and it works fine ! D'oh!
Later all..past my bedtime
Tomorrow...Tales from the Cheesecake Factory!

Quick affirmation...5-20-02...You are good enough, you are smart enough, and you always have been!
Good night, sleep tight, I love you!
...and this has been the....


Monday, April 01, 2002

Disclaimer:Every post will begin with this text:"This post to be posted simultaneously on 2 sitesohregina.blogspot.com
and my tripod site*click on the weblog tag on the home page :^)
...blogspot works best with IE, Netscapers use the Tripod site :^) Enjoy!"

OMG! The sticker shows up on both sites!
Now I can go to bed!
Good night!

Quick affirmation...5-20-02...You are good enough, you are smart enough, and you always have been!
Good night, sleep tight, I love you!
...and this has been the....

Disclaimer:Every post will begin with this text:"This post to be posted simultaneously on 2 sitesohregina.blogspot.com
and my tripod site*click on the weblog tag on the home page :^)
...blogspot works best with IE, Netscapers use the Tripod site :^) Enjoy!"

Ok, so I am trying to put little blogstickers at the beginning of some posts. Here goes!
We shall see what we shall see! Check out Blogstickers.com for some cool stickers :^)
I will put a link over to the side...if this works :^P
Then I must eat and go to bed..yes, the exciting life I lead!
I went to the Hallmark store today, they wouldn't let me break in to the newly arrived mother's day cards. I like to look at every single card and find the perfect one for my mother, they said I could let them know which ones I liked and they would open the package for me, yeah right! Reminds me of the time I went to Service Merchandise to buy a camera. They wouldn't let me play with any of the cameras in the display case, wouldn't open the case, they said if I liked one they would get it from the back, take it out of its factory-sealed box and let me look at it. Of course I didn't buy it and now THEY'RE OUT OF BUSINESS (insert ominous tone here) !!!!!!!!!!
Hallmark store beware!
Nah, really, they just hadn't opened them yet, no biggie, I go to the Hallmark store all the time!
Let's publish and see if the sticker shows up!
Quick affirmation...5-20-02...You are good enough, you are smart enough, and you always have been!
Good night, sleep tight, I love you!
...and this has been the....


Sunday, March 31, 2002

Disclaimer:Every post will begin with this text:"This post to be posted simultaneously on 2 sitesohregina.blogspot.com
and my tripod site*click on the weblog tag on the home page :^)
...blogspot works best with IE, Netscapers use the Tripod site :^) Enjoy!"
TOP/ Comments? E-mail me!

Disclaimer:Every post will begin with this text:"This post to be posted simultaneously on 2 sitesohregina.blogspot.com
and my tripod site*click on the weblog tag on the home page :^)
...blogspot works best with IE, Netscapers use the Tripod site :^) Enjoy!"

Whoops! I mistyped the link to the US Mint state quarters program..it works now :^)

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