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*JessMonkey...local blogger makes good..and she's married to Chimpuat!

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*RuPaul's 'blog! He/She is one of us :^)

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*PDA Geek Heaven, Part I

*Check out "Spacemonk's" 'blog-He's KEWL!

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*PDA Geek Heaven, Part II

*Clie Geek Heaven

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*The cutest kids not actually related to me!

*Six Feet Under-that show ROOLZ!

*My friend Jack Saturn's resume..He is a really talented Web Designer! Anyone got a job for him?

*Any Day Now...SIGH! The show's over..the website lives on!

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Thursday, May 02, 2002

Disclaimer:Every post will begin with this text:"This post to be posted simultaneously on 2 sitesohregina.blogspot.com
and my tripod site*click on the weblog tag on the home page :^)
...blogspot works best with IE, Netscapers use the Tripod site :^) Enjoy!"

Goodness, I haven't posted in a while...I have been so busy...DOING NOTHING! Well, not really...

I hooked up my new receiver to my Dish and it is SWEET! The surround sound speakers do not seem to put out any sound, I watched "Grosse Pointe Blank" over the weekend and no sound...but I am working on it. Also no FM radio sound at all, not even static...anyone know why this would be? There should at least be static! As an homage to Grosse Pointe Blank (it really was enjoyable, I had heard so many things about it it almost didn't live up to the hype, but I did like it) here is a new blogsticker..and it's true! You can't spell Grosse Pointe Blank without blog! :^)

I went to the gym last night and did 40 min on the stationary bike, then walked fast for 15 minutes during the 2nd half of "The Weakest Link," and then a slower walk for 30 min during "Jeopardy!" 2 and 1/2 miles walked, YAY! ME! Then I went home and crashed, a storm woke me up at 12:30 am until about 2 am, hail, torrential rain, lots of lightning, some thunder. YUK!

Then this morning, at 9:30 am the phone rang, it was Josh from Landware re: Pocket Quicken. I asked him to call at 10:30 Indy time, but we don't change our clocks, he was calling from NJ and didn't realize, I guess. I was exhausted and asked him to call back, but I couldn't go back to sleep--BAH! He called back at 10:30 and we tried several things but I STILL don't have any accounts on Pocket Quicken. DOUBLE BAH! The only thing that may help is to uninstall Pocket Quicken **and** Quicken **and** Windows XP, do a "clean install" of XP, then reinstall Quicken and Pocket Quicken! Maybe some day when I have the whole day free. I will try it, I think, then if I can't get it to work I will just sell PQ on ebay. I got wonderful feedback from Mike, the guy who bought the N-series Clie accessories. Jordan, who bought the TeleAdapt cable, has it, according to the Postal Service, but I haven't heard from him or seen feedback, I e-mailed him to make sure he got the package, no response yet, poor guy , his DSL died and he can't play with his computer as much as before. I hope it gets fixed soon! I am excited about selling things on ebay and may sell more. It's fun!

I got a check from my Israeli bonds today, then accidentally ripped it up in a deposit envelope from my credit union. I had started to write my info on one envelope, then I messed up the account # and had to start over on a different envelope. Who can't see this coming? I wanted to rip up the envelope with the error, to make sure no one could see even the mistaken account #, and yes, I ripped up the wrong one, the check was in it. I am going to e-mail them and see about getting a replacement. My horoscope said it would be hard to make money, well, gosh, it was right :^)

What else? I went to the gym today, hardly anybody on the machines, which was sweet, but twice I was on a machine, had just started my reps, then someone came up and wanted to use the same one. Almost all the machines were free, that's what kills me, I understand when it's crowded, but people, when there are so many machines free, use another one! It's so sweet not to have to wait, why would you? :^P Then I did 35 min on the stationary bike and 35 min on the treadmill. I read the first part of the first Harry Potter book on the stationary bike, very cool book! I really enjoyed myself today. I went to Jacobson's to get my Clinique bonus, I looked at some cute necklaces, they had one with multi-colored gems, the way it hung on the rack made it look like it had 3 stones dropping down from the center, but it wasn't that way. I mentioned this to the saleslady, saying it would be 1,000x cuter if it were that way, she agreed. I didn't buy it, but now I want a 3-stone drop necklace. I will be looking for one now!

My parents are setting sail Saturday for a cruise celebrating my mom's 50th HS reunion..very cool! I can't wait to see the pics! Safe trip, guys!

I work in the IV room at work tomorrow and Saturday, then out front in the "Central" area Sunday. Sunday I work with LeeAnn, she is very sweet and I know we will have a good day. Then, hooray,. I don't have to get up early Monday, I work evenings. Saturday I will go to my sister's house for a small birthday cake party for my nephew, his 2nd birthday is May 6th. My mom's birthday is May 4th, she will be "at sea" so we will have a family thing for Mother's Day, Josh's and Mom's birthday. My mom's family had a lot of birthdays in May, her parents and brother (all now deceased) were born in May, and her nephew too. So May is a special month for her, now bittersweet but still special.

Well, almost time for "Will and Grace" so here it is...

(In case you can't see the blogsticker it says "The Daily (Almost) affirmation to the little girl", the little girl inside me who for 30 years or more has been my protector)
I feel it too, when I am not strong...I feel ignored, like others are not even able to see me, that they rudely push by without saying "excuse me," on purpose, that they are trying to make me feel insignificant. And I see why you would feel this way too, since for so much of your life you have felt like an "afterthought." Yes, your sister is special, she was the firstborn, and yes, your brother is special, he's the only boy and the "baby." But you are special too, you always have been. You are smart and funny, generous and kind, when you let the true "you" be seen. That "true you" is a wonderful little girl whom I can help to become the kid she always needed to be, but whom almost no one would let you be. Like I said, sometimes I feel this way too, when I am tired and/or grouchy, I feel like there is a button on my back, big as the sky and light as a feather (i.e. soooo easy to push), and the button says "INSIGNIFICANT!" I feel sometimes like other people push the button on my back, just to hurt me. But this is not true, although like I said, I know why you may feel this way.
I read my affirmations to my therapist and she cried, happy tears, she was so happy and proud. It was hard to read them, but that's because it's a good thing, anything good is hard to do, I am hard at work on myself, it's the best thing for me, for us! I love you and am not going to give up, don't you worry, sleep tight, this to us both!


Monday, April 29, 2002

Disclaimer:Every post will begin with this text:"This post to be posted simultaneously on 2 sitesohregina.blogspot.com
and my tripod site*click on the weblog tag on the home page :^)
...blogspot works best with IE, Netscapers use the Tripod site :^) Enjoy!"

BUSY at work today, I didn't leave til almost 5 pm, but I DID go to lunch :^) And I got a lot done. I feel like I really helped the nurses, that always feels good. I have a HUGE respect for nurses, I know I could never be one!

Watching the Gilda Radner special before the Gilda Radner movie. Damn, I miss her! She RULED! My hair used to look like Roseanne Roseannadanna's hair when I would let it air dry. I so wanted to do an "RR" routine for a talent show in high school, I never did, it's a big regret! What a sad story, bulimic, lonely, then cancer claimed her life. I am taping the movie, of course, can't stay up that late! They talked to Victor Garber (the designer of the Titanic in the James Cameron version), he was in a musical made for Canadian TV with Gilda, dude! Nice Jewfro!

I am so bummed about "Queer As Folk!" I can't believe George died! And while joining the "mile high club" with Emmett! What a way to go, as they said on the show! Gale Harold and Hal Sparks were on Larry King Live last week, I woke up at 2:30 am and it was on, I went back to sleep but am sure the trasnscript is somewhere "out there." I'll find it!

Speaking of finding, a doctor called last week and wanted info on an additive to a generic formulation of a certain drug. He said he couldn't find any info "anywhere!" I did a simple web search and sent him like 5 or 6 highly relevant articles! Isn't the internet wonderful???? :^)

Well, it's almost time for the Third-Watch/ER "EVENT" so once again it's time for..

(In case you can't see the blogsticker it says "The Daily (Almost) affirmation to the little girl", the little girl inside me who for 30 years or more has been my protector)
You were SO in the adult today! You were busy but went to lunch, took care of yourself, made sure everyone's needs were met before you went home, yeah, we stayed late, we can do that once in a while, it's called "being responsible!" It's nothing to worry about! The adult is getting stronger every day, more equipped to protect YOU, to make sure YOU are taken care of, to make sure your needs are taken care of. Know that I love and appreciate you. Sleep tight! (This to us both)
...and this has been the...


Sunday, April 28, 2002

Disclaimer:Every post will begin with this text:"This post to be posted simultaneously on 2 sitesohregina.blogspot.com
and my tripod site*click on the weblog tag on the home page :^)
...blogspot works best with IE, Netscapers use the Tripod site :^) Enjoy!"

Well, I got my $$ from my e-bay auctions, it's kind of a bummer to get only $80 for over $200 worth of stuff but at least I got something
...so I packed up the N-series Clie accessories, and Friday night ...I decided, at 10 pm, to go to the post office & use the self-service table. I went to the closest branch and the stamp machine was out of order, so I couldn't buy a Priority Mail "stamp." Bummer! So I drove to the 2nd nearest branch, they had a working stamp machine but it didn't sell Priority Mail stamps. Bummer! So I called information, got the address of the 3rd nearest post office, went there and their stamp machine was working, so I got a priority mail stamp, but the box (which was about 14 oz and thus able to be mailed at the Post Office without having to give it to someone) was too big! Bummer! So I popped home, and while watching "The Rock" on David Letterman, I wrapped a different box (actually the box my Clie came in) in a "festive" Kroger bag and got it ready to mail, then went to the 2nd nearest Post Office and the new box (still about 14 oz) fit in the mail slot! YAY! All for my ebay customer :^) The second auction was for the teleadapt cable, I put it in a Priority Mail envelope and mailed it out today. It is so cool, you can print a Priority Mail label with delivery confirmation on the internet! KEWL!
It makes it so easy!

And I had to go return my new receiver and get another one, I couldn't get any sound to come out at all, no matter what I did (My brother came by and tried also, he is a true techno-geek like myself, even more so, he couldn't get it to work either. So I hooked up everything, and just about everything works, the surround sound speakers don't work, and I can get AM static but no FM noise at all, not even static. I will be contacting Onkyo and see what they have to say. I don't want to take it back because 90% of it is SWEET!

Boy this weekend has been a waste except for the receiver thing...it rained like crazy yesterday, it was cold and yucky, a good day to stay in and hook up stereo equipment. And not much else!

Once again almost time for Six Feet Under, so it's time again for....

(In case you can't see the blogsticker it says "The Daily (Almost) affirmation to the little girl", the little girl inside me who for 30 years or more has been my protector)
So we were lazy this weekend, that is nothing to be ashamed of! We deserve a break every now and then, it was busy all week at work, we worked 44 hours, and it's ok to relax! We kept our cool at Circuit City, it took forever but we just waited patiently! And today at Meijer, it also took forever, but we just read People Magazine and hung out, no big deal. And catching up on sleep is a good thing!
Even when I was a little girl I knew you could catch up on sleep, no one believed me but I knew it was true, now everyone agrees! We are so smart! :^) Good night, I love you! Let's sleep tight tonight!
..and this has been the...

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