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*dtisfu.com--All the news about my future husband and my future lover!

*For the finest in kids' meal toys!

*Get cool blogstickers like I do HERE!

*Connect your cell phone to your PDA? Yes, it's true! Click HERE!

*Netflix...DVDs to your door, no late fees, give it a try! :^)

*See how your favorite movies rank among AFI's 100 top romances!

*JessMonkey...local blogger makes good..and she's married to Chimpuat!

*Chimpuat...another local blogger makes good..and he's married to JessMonkey!

*RuPaul's 'blog! He/She is one of us :^)

*Gilda's club--Check it out! I miss Gilda Radner! :^(

*Check out 'Zonker's' website-Dissociated Press!

*PDA Geek Heaven, Part I

*Check out "Spacemonk's" 'blog-He's KEWL!

*Here's Christopher Lowell's homepage...you have to see it to believe it!

*PDA Geek Heaven, Part II

*Clie Geek Heaven

*If you're not reading this, you should be!

*The cutest kids not actually related to me!

*Six Feet Under-that show ROOLZ!

*My friend Jack Saturn's resume..He is a really talented Web Designer! Anyone got a job for him?

*Any Day Now...SIGH! The show's over..the website lives on!

*This dude finds cool stuff, scans it in, all for your morbid curiosity!

*Can't read those vanity cards at the end of "Dharma and Greg?" You can here!

*Don't know much...about Jewish Holidays, but would like to? Click HERE!"

*See the state quarters in all their glory!

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Saturday, May 18, 2002

Disclaimer:Every post will begin with this text:"This post to be posted simultaneously on 2 sitesohregina.blogspot.com
and my tripod site*click on the weblog tag on the home page :^)
...blogspot works best with IE, Netscapers use the Tripod site :^) Enjoy!"

I decided to once again try to give you, the loyal reader, the option to have the links open in new windows or not. This time it actually seems to work...HOORAY! Give it a try, report all bugs to biteme@whogivesaratsass.com JUST KIDDING! It's biteme@whogivesaratsass.NET...make sure you get it right :^) I added a link to "spacemonk's" blog, he e-mailed me with some nice comments on mine, and has linked to my site on his. Super-de-duper!

So I had to modify my template to make the blogstickers show up, now each time I change, if I have to republish my archives, they will all change..oh, well, they're just for fun, I created a new one today..."wait til your blogger gets home" HA HA Man, I crack myself up! Who remembers the show? Wait til your father gets home...a short-lived syndicated show, it may have been a cartoon. I remember my brother and I watching it at our Aunt Becky's house, in her kitchen. Warm memories of TV..ahh!

Work was not too bad this week. I worked M-T-W days, then Th & Fri eves...Wednesday night I went to a continuing education Program that included dinner and free ($50 value) seats to "Cats" Very cool! I enjoyed the show, if a tech at work had not explained the (paper-thin) plot to me, I would have had very little idea what was going on, there is one line of exposition in the entire show! I was sooooo tired, I did fall asleep just a little, fortunately the high note of "Memory" woke me up! A nice evening overall, and thank goodness I didn't have to get up early Thurs am. Also no one sat in front of me, always a bonus!

I am watching SNL, man, Winona Ryder looks stoned! I am bummed, it's the season finale and I didn't get tickets. Oh, well, my friend Maureen and I are already planning a "postcard party" to send postcards (yes, SNL only accepts postcards, always has, and only in August) to get tickets for next year! Will Ferrell is leaving, but Jimmy Fallon (Maureen's future husband) isn't! I hope we get to go!

Maureen got to see Christopher Lowell at a furniture store here in IN 2 weeks ago, I was so bummed, I had to work. For those of you who don't know Christopher, he has his own decorating show on the Discovery Channel..let's just say he puts the "flame" in flamboyant! He's a riot...she bought his decorating book and got his autograph...and a picture with him! Lucky girl! Click HERE to visit Christopher's website...and I will put a link over on the sidebar!

Went to the new Fishers, IN YMCA today. It's really nice! Clean, new machines, it's HUGE and the pools look really nice, they are not open yet, but when they are...I HAVE to get back in the water, as a Pisces "water baby" it's where I belong! It felt great to get back to the gym, it was really hard to motivate myself to get there but once I was there I stayed for 2 hours!

Also when I changed my template, I added the "Daily (almost) affirmation to the little girl" blogsticker to the template so it would show up. Of course now there is that blogsticker on every post, so I am going to go back and edit every post (it may take a while) to place an affirmation. Most of them will be short and sweet (like me), something like "You were always good enough, no matter what anyone said or tried to make you feel, and you are still good enough! I love you!
Well, in that spirit here is tonight's DAILY AFFIRMATION TO

I know how tired you were today, it was a confusing week for your body clock...we slept in then took a nap..HA HA, a nap 2 hours after we got up, isn't that funny? But then we went to the gym and kicked butt! Good for us! We can catch up on sleep and still go to the gym. Good night, sleep tight! This to us both..I love you!
...and this has been the...
(In case you can't see the blogsticker it says "The Daily (Almost) affirmation to the little girl", the little girl inside me who for 30 years or more has been my protector)

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