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Tuesday, May 21, 2002

Disclaimer:Every post will begin with this text:"This post to be posted simultaneously on 2 sitesohregina.blogspot.com
and my tripod site*click on the weblog tag on the home page :^)
...blogspot works best with IE, Netscapers use the Tripod site :^) Enjoy!"

I got my laminate in the downstairs bathroom today! And new carpet on the stairs and in the upstairs hallway! One of my earliest posts (in Feb '02) concerned this...I was hoping to get the new laminate and carpet "the next week" HA HA! I am so glad it's done, there is a bit of a mess to clean up, but that's no biggie! It looks really good, and the carpet is plush, it really is nice! HOORAY!

Last night at work was sooooooo busy, but I solved a lot of problems and kept my cool, it was hard to decompress, I finally got to sleep around 1 am. Then at 7:30 am, the air conditioner inspector guy called, saying he'd be there in 40-45 minutes, well, yeah, 2 hours later...there he was! Unfortunately, when he was rinsing off the filter, he got water on the satellite dish receiver in the garage, so now it doesn't work. The guy left a message for his supervisor, but I didn't get a call. I will call tomorrow. I need to call Dish Network too, I called once and they suggested letting it dry out (brilliant! Why didn't I think of that?) so I will let it dry all night to see. I tested the outlet, it's ok, I tried to pull out and push back in the "card" but nothing worked. BAH! I hope the a/c people will offer to pay, or pay at least part of the $$ to replace the receiver. They are soon putting out a SWEET new receiver, the 721..here's some info about it...
· Combined satellite receiver, personal video recorder with internet capabilities
· Two tuners for advanced recording and picture in picture capabilities on any TV
· Largest hard drive ever offered in a PVR product for expanded recording and storage of programming
· New, advanced user interface
· 7-day EPG with search
· Caller ID with caller history
· Software and hardware upgradeable

PVR Features

· Pause live TV
· 4X, 15X, 60X, 300X fast forward and reverse
· Instant skip forward and skip back
· Know at a glance what is recorded with info about each recording - instantly play, delete and protect programs
· Program capture - no more "Oops, I forgot to record!"

2-Tuner Features

· Picture-in-picture on any TV
· Record two live programs at once
· Record a live program while watching another live program
· Record two live programs while watching a recorded program

Advanced Features

· Specially designed universal UHF/IR remote with PIP functions
· New IR keyboard with integrated remote control functions (optional)
· Records Dolby Digital to the hard drive - perfect for home theater
· Optical Dolby Digital output
· 2 - USB interfaces for other peripherals
· Expansion port
· Front panel A/V input jacks
Does that sound SWEET! No release date yet, bummer!

Then the guy came to look where I thought my roof was leaking. I showed him one spot which turned out to be cobwebs -- TEE HEE HEE! Then I showed him the spot in the bathroom upstairs, he knew just what was wrong! He said the "boot" around the sewer gas vent-pipe was corroded and he'd replace it. I went inside and waited for him to come in and tell me he was done, well, after 15 min, I went out to see how things were going, and he was gone! See ya later buddy!

Then I took a little nap, interrupted by 3 phone calls, 2 from my brother-in-law, (he and a partner have taken over my dad's flooring business), and one from "Danny" at some mortgage company...BAH! I was so tired, then Steve and the carpetlayers woke me up by pounding on the door! This was about 1:20 pm...they finished at 5:20! I had to hustle to Susan's for my appointment at 6 pm. It was all worth it, 2 out of 3 successful encounters...well, the A/C is fine, but now the Dish doesn't work downstairs! Oh, well, it will all work out.

Tough stuff with Susan today. I have always felt as if I have no real friends, and have been thinking about it a lot recently. I spend so much time alone, I can't just call "a friend" and invite them to the movies or whatever...my dad used to get on me about this...when I was little, he would tell me, I made friends easily...well, it gets much harder as one gets older, especially for one such as myself who is so "defended" against being hurt! Well, that brings us to...
(the little girl inside me, who for >30 years has been my protector)
You have friends! Friends who see "the real you!" And you do get to spend time with your friends, maybe not as much as you would like, or think you would like, but any friend is a precious gift! And any time with a friend is precious as well! Maybe we will try to "put ourselves out there" more, to show people who we really are, I mean, once they see how terrific we are, (and we can show how far we have come), how could they not want to hang out together? Hang in there, I know it's discouraging, but there is hope...it's not too late...I love you! Good night, sleep tight! This to us both!
...and this has been the...

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