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Tuesday, May 28, 2002

Disclaimer:Every post will begin with this text:"This post to be posted simultaneously on 2 sitesohregina.blogspot.com
and my tripod site*click on the weblog tag on the home page :^)
...blogspot works best with IE, Netscapers use the Tripod site :^) Enjoy!"

Good gravy Marie! I haven't posted for a week? I guess I was just so busy...

I got the guy from the air conditioning/heating place to call me back...finally...he said he was out of town, but his voice mail didn't and the people at the front desk sure didn't...he was very nice, I told him I could get the dish receiver at Sam's Club for $89.95, he said that was cool...so I went and got it and was going to send him the receipt for reimbursment, however...the receiver was not the right one, I need the one which can work through walls...so I called Dish Network and talked to 2 people for a very long time and determined I need another receiver...the one that was fried by the water that the A/C tech got on it is actually $249! I called all over Indianapolis to find one, no luck, so I had to order one from Dish Network, BAH! It hopefully will get here this week. Well, when the guy from the A/C place got ahold of me on Friday I had him page me, and I had the # he paged my to in my Clie (PDA), well, I thought it was his voice mail, and it was Saturday so I thought I would leave him a voice mail. It was his cell! We talked for a while, he left it up to me, said I could ask him to pay for all or part and he would...so I think 75% for him and 25% for me is ok....I will have him pay for shipping but I will pay for the expidited shipping. I think that's fair, and my mom and therapist agree. So I am on hold now with Dish Network, trying to see if they have the name and ph# of the company that installed my Dish. I just talked to "Spencer" and he said that even though they set up the installation they have no idea who installed my Dish. Too weird! They are really useless when it comes to customer service. I am seriously considering calling the dreaded hated cable company! AUGH!

So I got a sweet new 20" flat screen TV for the computer room, the TV I had up here died, after 13 years, I bought it in college and it was a really sweet, "cable-ready" TV, at the time all the stores had "cable-compatible" TVs, which was a scam, but this one was really cable-ready. Pretty good lifespan! I also got a DVD+VCR to go with it and is it SWEET! Life is good except for the useless Dish Network. I can't believe they set up my install but don't know with whom. I am so aggravated, I can't find the stupid paperwork and they can't help me! AUGH!

Work was kind of bad this weekend, very busy both days...and I was so tired! I went out to the car Sat and the keys were lying on the seat, and the car was unlocked! I guess that is why the human body needs sleep! I am so glad I work with honest people who wouldn't steal my pretty purple car!

Got the Harry Potter DVD today, actually the wide- and full-screen versions (wide for downstairs, full for up), I got each for $9.97, COMPUSA had a price I got Best Buy to match...SWEET! I watched about 90 min so far and it's GREAT! I love Robbie Coltrane as Hagrid, he truly is "bigger than life!" And Alan Rickman is perfect as Snape...best casting of the year, the whole movie really!
I recommend it to all! They asked me at Best Buy, "Do you already have a DVD player?" "Yes, I have 3, but thanks for asking!" Well, on the way out I realized I have a DVD-ROM on my computer so I have 4!

I got a SWEET pillow at Sam's Club, it is VERY firm, I need a firm pillow, I need a lot of support..and I think it's really helping!
YUK! There was a slug on the wall...sometimes there is one on the dishwasher...how do they get in and how can I repel them? YUK!
...at least this time it wasn't on the dishwasher handle...when that happens, there is not enough antibacterial soap in the WORLD!

Well the hour is late and I am tired so once again it is time for...
"The Daily (Almost) affirmation to the little girl" ,the little girl inside me who for 30 years or more has been my protector!
Tough session today with Susan...we got mad at her didn't we? Thought she was putting us down, telling us we are not good enough...well, I can certainly see why you would take it that way, seeing as how people have told us that our entire lives, and sometimes we tell ourselves that...but she is our friend, she has helped us so much! And her advice is good. She wants us to be nice to people who are mean to us. What a great thing that is! To not give them the satisfaction of making us look bad! And let's look at it this way...the greatest acting job we've ever had...it was always our dream to be an actress, possibly in impov, well, this is the best improv..."I need someone in the center section to give me a way of speaking..." "How about nice, no edge?" Great, great, so ok, Regina/Gina, I need to to talk nicely, with no edge, no matter what your fellow "actor" says...all your anger and hurt can be expressed later, in private, but I will "act" the part...so no need to worry about mean people, we will dumbfound them with kindness and they hopefully will be so flabbergasted they will back off! Let's hope so...and let's hope for a good night's sleep...good night, sleep tight..I love you!
..and this has been the…

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