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*See how your favorite movies rank among AFI's 100 top romances!

*JessMonkey...local blogger makes good..and she's married to Chimpuat!

*Chimpuat...another local blogger makes good..and he's married to JessMonkey!

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*PDA Geek Heaven, Part I

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*PDA Geek Heaven, Part II

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Saturday, June 15, 2002

Disclaimer: All posts begin with this text: "If using Netscape, and on my blogspot.com site, check out my Netscape-friendly page at
Tripod! Nearly identical posts are on both sites!"

Man oh man...migraine city, USA...go ahead please! (Weak Larry King imitation)...I used to get the aura and sensation without headaches (my mom had this too) but now I have the migraines. I can only remember one migraine before now, I posted about it back in Feb, it was the night before my father's surgery 2/26/02. I have had one for 4 days now, it went away for a few hours but it's been mostly constant. Man does this suck! I can't concentrate, I am tired and teary, it just SUX! I am unmotivated to the max, I needed comfort food so I made latkes (potato pancakes)...mmm...greasy food! It took about all the energy I had to make the latkes, I am going to watch another "Sopranos" ep and go to bed, I have to work the next 3 days then Wed evening before I have a day off. Maybe I can get in to see my doctor and talk about some stronger medication for my migraines. Ibuprofen doesn't touch it anymore :^(

I watched the AFI salute to the 100 most romantic movies of all time..."Witness" was #82, I would have ranked it MUCH higher, Harrison Ford said it best..the worst thing you can do in a romantic movie is to have the leads make love...the desire and tension between John and Rachel was agonizingly beautiful...you wanted them to get it on, but yet it seemed right that they did not. I am glad "The African Queen" was up there, it has always been one of my faves. Check out AFI's list HERE ; I will also put a link on the sidebar. It was an entertaining show, they had celebrities, including some celeb couples, talk about their favorite movies and moments. I hope to rent several selections from Netflix; check it out, it is way cool, you give them a list of DVDs you want to rent, they mail you the first 3 on your list (you can keep 3 out for $20 a month, you can pay more and have more DVDs out at once), no late fees, keep them as long as you want, then once you're done, mail back the DVD (in a postage-paid envelope slim enough to fit in any mail slot), then once they get it back they will mail you the next DVD on your list...pretty sweet, huh? They have a 2-week free trial going, thousands upon thousands of titles, what's to lose? I am thrilled so far!

...and now it is time once again for "The Daily (Almost) Affirmation to The Little Girl", the little girl inside me who for 30 years or more has been my protector….

Well, just time for a quick affirmation...We feel pretty crappy right now, huh? Headaches are pretty yukky, but this too shall pass, we will be motivated to exercise, to clean, to help ourselves improve...just not right now...right now we need plenty of rest, and need to take care of ourselves. This is called "being good to ourselves." We'll get some medicine to help and everything will be all right...just like in the Jimmy Eat World song..which of course was written for us..."It just takes some time, really, little girl, to even out the ride, everything, everything will be just fine, everything, everything, will be all right..all right! And it will..trust me! I would NEVER lie to you!
Good night, sleep tight, don't let the migraines bite...this to us both! I love you!
..and this has been the…

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