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*dtisfu.com--All the news about my future husband and my future lover!

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*Netflix...DVDs to your door, no late fees, give it a try! :^)

*See how your favorite movies rank among AFI's 100 top romances!

*JessMonkey...local blogger makes good..and she's married to Chimpuat!

*Chimpuat...another local blogger makes good..and he's married to JessMonkey!

*RuPaul's 'blog! He/She is one of us :^)

*Gilda's club--Check it out! I miss Gilda Radner! :^(

*Check out 'Zonker's' website-Dissociated Press!

*PDA Geek Heaven, Part I

*Check out "Spacemonk's" 'blog-He's KEWL!

*Here's Christopher Lowell's homepage...you have to see it to believe it!

*PDA Geek Heaven, Part II

*Clie Geek Heaven

*If you're not reading this, you should be!

*The cutest kids not actually related to me!

*Six Feet Under-that show ROOLZ!

*My friend Jack Saturn's resume..He is a really talented Web Designer! Anyone got a job for him?

*Any Day Now...SIGH! The show's over..the website lives on!

*This dude finds cool stuff, scans it in, all for your morbid curiosity!

*Can't read those vanity cards at the end of "Dharma and Greg?" You can here!

*Don't know much...about Jewish Holidays, but would like to? Click HERE!"

*See the state quarters in all their glory!

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Saturday, July 13, 2002

Disclaimer: All posts begin with this text: "If using Netscape, and on my blogspot.com site, check out my Netscape-friendly page at
Tripod! Nearly identical posts are on both sites!"

So today was nice..the 2nd day of my vacation..YAY! On vacation til 7-23..YAY!! Oh, what was the question ?? Anyway, I went to my friend Rex's house for a party he had put together. It was a nice day, not too hot, a bit of a breeze, and sunny (chance of pop-up thunderstorms my butt!) When I got there Susan, one of the pharmacists at work, was there with her husband and 3.5 children (yes, there's one on the way); the kids are so cute and Susan and her husband are really nice. We had a nice chat. Dominic, one of the other pharmacists was there too but he left soon after I got there. April and her man came as Susan and her family was leaving. It was nice to see them, what a cute couple! Then Rex's brother came too. I used to work with him at another hospital. It was nice to see him too, he is also a pharmacist. A nice day overall, just hanging out and talking and eating...lots of yummy food, capped off by my delicious brownies...yummy brownies!

Then I went home and took a nap, my fave thing to do. Then I watched "Pearl Harbor" on Starz! I am glad I didn't pay $$ to see it in the theatre or rent it, the special effects during the battle scenes were pretty cool but otherwise just a corny love story. And Ben Affleck..he pretty! WORD!

So they have these meetings for bloggers on the 3rd Thursday of every month in cities all over the place. There are 3 bloggers signed up so far from Indianapolis, me and 2 bloggers who are married to each other. Find out about these "blogger meet-ups" HERE . The 2 others who are signed up are Chimpuat and Jessmonkey . I will link to their blogs over on the sidebar too. I want to appeal to chimpuat, jessmonkey and all bloggers in Indianapolis..there can't be just the 3 of us...we need at least 4 people to RSVP to the meet-up or they will cancel it. It's at netheads internet cafe in BroadRipple, July 18th at 7 pm. Come one come all! I plan to come even if we don't have 4 people. Hey, C & J, any single male blogger friends for me? LOL! Seriously, we need bloggers! Come on!

I found a blog a while back, something about teary-eyed dreamer, the young woman writing it reminded me of myself in some ways, now I can't find it..anyone who knows please e-mail me!

My friends Deb & Rob who adopted 2 children from Guatemala finally got Alex, their son, and he arrived before his 1st birthday July 1st. I sent Alex and big sis Jackie each a friend from the Build-A-Bear factory. For those of you who do not know about this cultural juggernaut, BABF is a happy place where one picks out a stuffed friend, although the friend is unstuffed, and then they stuff the bear, sew up its back, and you can kiss its heart before they sew it up inside, then you get to make a birth certificate and name your friend anything you'd like. I say friend because they have bears, cows, dogs, cats, bunny rabbits, koala bears, frogs, etc etc. I sent Alex a golden retriever and Jackie a koala bear. I hope they enjoy the gifts from "Auntie OhReginaaaaaaaaaa!"

...maybe I should go to the ; oh, well, maybe not...since I already have built one LOL!

…and now it is time once again for "The Daily (Almost) Affirmation to The Little Girl", the little girl inside me who for 30 years or more has been my protector….

Nice day today, huh? Nice to be on vacation and be lazy! It was so nice to go to Rex's house, we didn't even get lost! And we just relaxed, and we were ourselves, funny, friendly, and we just "were." How lovely! And a nice juicy nap and a movie, not the best movie, but that's cool. We can go to see the movies we want to see during the day when we are off work, we won't have to pay as much and there may not be as many people there YAY! And going to meet the other bloggers will be fun! I see a great week ahead, relaxing and a lot of fun! YAY!! VACATION!!

..and this has been the…


Friday, July 12, 2002

Disclaimer: All posts begin with this text: "If using Netscape, and on my blogspot.com site, check out my Netscape-friendly page at
Tripod! Nearly identical posts are on both sites!"

KEWL! The gap seems to have disappeared between the sidebar and the postings on my blogspot.com site; the Tripod blog has the gap still, but at least when I pull it up, all the post column fits so I can read it all at once. And the blogsticker shows up in the middle of the post, so that is cool, I will try to add more pics to my daily posts now that it seems to work. So let's have a quick affirmation before bedtime...

…and now it is time once again for "The Daily (Almost) Affirmation to The Little Girl", the little girl inside me who for 30 years or more has been my protector….
We got so much accomplished today! Cleaning and straightening, getting things in order will make us feel better and when we feel better, we sleep better, and we will feel even better and sleep even better...hey, a non-vicious circle! What a concept! YAY!!! Once again, good night, sleep tight, this to us both! I love you!

..and this has been the…

Disclaimer: All posts begin with this text: "If using Netscape, and on my blogspot.com site, check out my Netscape-friendly page at
Tripod! Nearly identical posts are on both sites!"

Life is SWEET since I did a clean install of XP over my "unclean" install..it wiped out my entire hard drive, formatting it and making it all nice and, well, clean! YAY! I was having trouble with blogger (trouble with blogger? The devil you say!); I was unable to make any changes to the "formatting" of my blogs, and so every time I posted I had to copy the "everyday HTML" of the blogs to the post screen and, well, yeah, it wasn't a huge deal but I tell you, it is so SWEET that whatever bad code I had ahold of was wiped out, now blogging is SWEET! Although there is still a HUGE gap between the sidebar and the posts, which sux, I have e-mailed to blogger help and got one message back apologizing for taking so long to get back to me, and asking me to e-mail again if I was still having the problem. I e-mailed back and told them I was still having the problem, but I haven't heard back (shock! dismay!) Ah, biting the hand that feeds you, an American tradition!

Yes, don't tell "Big Bill" but I LOVE XP! I had to buy the Word 2002 update, thank G-d I only needed the update, the full version costs something over $200, whatever! I can't believe it costs so much! But I do like "Word 2002," except when the program starts or when I close it, I am warned about the fact that the macros are disabled; I enabled them, hoping to be left alone, but now I am warned that macros are enabled! BAH! I think "Clippy" is behind this! I read about a couple web sites on how to kill clippy, the annoying paper clip who tries to help you in "Word;" I thought I had saved the clipping but no such luck, I will have to do a web search. I must say that installing Word 2002 was the smoothest install of any Windows product for me ever! Very cool!

I am on vacation from work until Tues 7/23..YAY!!!!!!!!! I spent all of today, the first full day of vacation, cleaning up my computer room, man, this place was a dump! I hid most of the cords and cables, power-straightened, dusted, man, it looks good in here now! I had my DSL plugged in to the convenient wall before the DSL supplier to my ISP went belly-up, then when they reinstated my DSL with another provider, then I couldn't use that plug anymore, it wasn't "their" plug, whatever! I probably talked to about 100 people in my quest for DSL, not one told me this! I had the phone cord snaked across the floor, very unsightly and dangerous. I took it around the back of the computer desk, and against the wall, and screwed in an "S" hook to the wall, threaded the cord through it, and stretched it across the threshold, and tucked it under the door frame. It's much better now, much less noticeable and I won't trip over it every flippin' day! KEWL!

Man, I haven't posted since 7/1? Unreal! I was working an odd schedule at work, lots of evenings, and that upset my body clock so I haven't slept well at all for the last 2 weeks! I should have posted every night at 3 am when I woke up for good. Instead I was setting up my computer, restoring everything that was lost. I backed up most everything I needed, some Quicken Data was lost but that was restored as soon as I got my new password from Quicken (for some reason my old one didn't work), and I had backed up a lot of my Simpsons and SP sounds, so no biggie much there. My system runs much better now, I am really pleased. I have things just about as they were, without a lot of bloat and whatever was causing all the problems I was having (black screen of death WAY too much, hotsync with my Clie taking forever, everytime I turned around the computer reset the color to 8-bit instead of 32-bit, etc etc), there has been none of that yet! YAY!

I took all the doors off of my entertainment centers, I never like the way they look, I can never get them to hang straight so I just gave up, well, I had 4 doors out in the garage, just sitting there, well, I picked them up and took them to the garbage can, and one of them dropped and busted into a million pieces! I thought they were all tempered glass, well, this one wasn't! It took forever to clean it up, and, note to self: never walk barefoot in the garage again! I will be picking up little shards for years! BAH! Oh, well, just a word to the wise..be careful!

I plan to clean a lot around the house, I have let it go these last few weeks/months...LOL...seriously, when I have not been sleeping and working odd hours, it just doesn't get done. I guess I have to live with it either way so no big deal. Speaking of living with things, MAN, is my dishwasher noisy! I would love to get a new one, maybe I will go check out some of the new quieter ones, read some reviews and stuff. In the last year or 2 I have replaced my washer and dryer, microwave, fridge, and range, all vast improvements over what I had, a new dishwasher would be so nice!

Well, what else? Hugh Fink is on David Letterman tonight, he is a writer on SNL and a funny comedian. He was in my cousin Esther's class at North Central High School, also the HS I attended. Very cool, local boy makes big. He does this routine about how the Chinese food guy always knows what you want, knows how the plants in your apartment are doing, even has insights into your relationship with your girlfriend, it is so funny, man, check him out!

Dennis Miller and Dana Carvey were talking smack about Jimmy Fallon on Dennis' show tonight. Dana said Jimmy was 13 years old! Dennis said that every hair on Jimmy's head is so expertly tousled that when Dennis looks at Jimmy all he sees is the hair, and he thinks, How long did it take them to make Jimmy's hair look so bad? Shame! Jimmy is a babe and you are just jealous...I loved Dennis' hair when it was long, he looked hot! I don't like his hair now and I don't like the beard either!

Well, since I was also having trouble with images in my posts before the clean install of XP I am going to try to put a blogsticker here in this post...here goes:

We have some new and newer people at work and we have many "Beckys" in our department...I have been saying, whenever someone introduces a "Becky" to a new person, "Of all the Beckys in the pharmacy...this is one of them!" Too funny!
(In case you can't see the blosticker it says, "Of all the blogs on the web...this is one of them! LOL!!)
Hopefully that will show up, that would be SWEET!

Well, I must be getting tired because my typing is even worse than usual, and I have to get up in the morning to go to my friend Rex's for a party/pitch-in. He is a fellow pharmacist at work and just decided to have a party at his house tomorrow. He brought it up last Friday at my friend April's house, we went there after work Friday evening for a party she and her man were having. It was nice, lots of yummy food and MTV videos I have NEVER seen, I knew about 2 of 20 songs we heard/saw. Nelly (who is my friend Trisha's husband, he just doesn't know it yet) came on with "Hot in Here" and April's man was singing, instead of "It's getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes!," "I got some snot in here, I got to blow my nose!" And I sang backup, "Can I get you a tissue?" Too funny! Rex and I were the oldest ones there and it was funny to watch "the young ones." Working with these young people keeps me young! I think I will watch Hugh on David Letterman then go to bed, thus...

…and now it is time once again for "The Daily (Almost) Affirmation to The Little Girl", the little girl inside me who for 30 years or more has been my protector….
Yes, we were tired this week, not sleeping is really hard, but for the most part we stayed "in the adult;" just kept telling ourselves, "After Thursday we will be off for 12 days," and now we have 12 days to rest, relax, get back to the gym, clean up around the house, get organized, get a lot of things done we haven't felt like doing. And people at work were supportive of us, saying they appreciate us and our efforts, Cathy said she appreciates us, Karen told us we are patient advocates and invited us to be on the patient education committee, what a vote of confidence! Sure, there may be a few people who have a less than wonderful opinion of us, but who cares what they think? Well, when we are "in the adult," not us! And as I get stronger, and can be in the adult most of the time, we will think less and less about these people, few as they are, and focus on those who see the real us, see us as we really are, caring, concerned, perfectly lovely individuals who would never intentionally hurt anyone. It is really nice to see how many people at work like and respect us, even when we haven't slept and are grouchy! It is a sign of the respect we have earned by being "the real us." And yes, sometimes in these affirmations, the sentence structure is not the best, but hey, this is for us, and we can say anything any way we like! Let's get some good quality sleep while we are off work. I read where if you remember your dreams (which I almost always do) that is a sign of bad sleep, because it means that the REM sleep cycle is not completed; it is during the last part of the REM cycle that our minds are cleared and refreshed for the next day. So here's to not remembering our dreams! Good night, sleep tight, this to us both! I love you!

..and this has been the…

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