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*Click the pic of "the boys" to visit dtisfu.com-all the news about my future husband and future lover!

*Click the nametag to meet other bloggers from your town!


*ebay--for the finest in kids' meal toys!

*Click the blogsticker to get/make your own! (Mine are on page 12!)

*Connect your cell phone to your PDA? Yes, it's true! Click HERE!

*Order your nomination bracelet (or just find out what the heck that is!) HERE!

*Netflix...DVDs to your door, no late fees, give it a try! :^)

*See how your favorite movies rank among AFI's 100 top romances!

*See a hilarious Cathy comic strip about affirmations HERE!

*JessMonkey...local blogger makes good..and she's married to Chimpuat!

*Chimpuat...another local blogger makes good..and he's married to JessMonkey!

*Jason's blog is really cool...check it out!

*RuPaul's 'blog! He/She is one of us :^)

*Gilda's club--Check it out! I miss Gilda Radner! :^(

*Check out 'Zonker's' website-Dissociated Press!

*PDA Geek Heaven, Part I

*Check out "Spacemonk's" 'blog-He's KEWL!

*Here's Christopher Lowell's homepage...you have to see it to believe it!

*PDA Geek Heaven, Part II

*Clie Geek Heaven

*If you're not reading this, you should be!

*The cutest kids not actually related to me!

*Six Feet Under-that show ROOLZ!

*My friend Jack Saturn's resume..He is a really talented Web Designer! Anyone got a job for him?

*Any Day Now...SIGH! The show's over..the website lives on!

*This dude finds cool stuff, scans it in, all for your morbid curiosity!

*Can't read those vanity cards at the end of "Dharma and Greg?" You can here!

*Don't know much...about Jewish Holidays, but would like to? Click HERE!"

*See the state quarters in all their glory!

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Saturday, July 27, 2002

Disclaimer: All posts begin with this text: "If using Netscape, and on my blogspot.com site, check out my Netscape-friendly page at
Tripod! Nearly identical posts are on both sites!"

Yeah yeah...so it's near (but not THAT near) to the end of the month and so I can't get on Tripod to edit my blogstickers...so, along with inspiration from Jason, Jessmonkey, and Chimpuat I have decided to look into paid web hosting, i.e. a "real" website on which I can put my blog as well as other things, I think it is for the best, I want to learn how to do more with my site, playing with and upgrading it has been so much fun, now I see other websites and want to do cool stuff like they do. I won't code every inch myself, like Jason but I will strive to make my site better and cooler. I always say, "It's just for me.." but maybe "me" wants to have a really really cool website!!

So I got DirecTV on June 8th..I asked at that time for a bill for the first month of service so I could send in for a $75 rebate from Circuit City...I signed up to have the bill put on my credit card each month so I didn't know if I would get a bill the first month or not, so I made it a point to ask. The girl said I would certainly receive the bill the first month, because it usually takes a month to get the credit card thing set up. I didn't receive the bill and the rebate forms had to be postmarked by 7/15 so I was getting nervous so around the 1st of July I called and asked again. One guy told me that they would send me a form that **I** (sarcastic asterisks) had to fill out for **them** (REALLY sarcastic asterisks) to send me a copy of my bill! Ridiculous! Anyway, I begged this guy to e-mail me the form, he said he'd do what he could. I waited a few days, no mail, no e-mail, so I called again. Lo and behold, the guy told me there was no such form and whoever told me that was crazy! GAH! So I asked **AGAIN** for a copy of my bill..a simple request I thought! After much trial and tribulation, the guy directed me to a part of DirecTV.com where I could print out a copy of my bill. Thank the Lord in heaven above! Anyway, 2 days ago I got a copy of my bill in the mail, along with a notice about "If you feel you already paid this bill let us know....blah blah blah!" Anyway, whatever! I just hope I get my rebate, the "old me" would be really pissed off, and don't get me wrong, getting a different story every time I call was infuriating, but now I have a place to mock DirecTV and I can let it go now! YAY! BLOG!

Cool site to check out... All things Regina! I have asked them to link to my blog(s)...I came across this site while looking to see if regina.com was already taken, I want my own domain name! Maybe ohregina.com; I will have to think long and hard about this!

Work was sooo busy today...and I was very tired and not strong in the adult...I was so tired and dizzy and hungry and had a hard time getting away for lunch, and I tripped over a stool in the IV room...my leg really hurts! WAAH! ..In that spirit and because all I want to do is take a Flexeril to ease the pain and let me sleep, it is time once again for "The Daily (Almost) Affirmation to The Little Girl", the little girl inside me who for 30 years or more has been my protector….
Yes, we were not as strong in the adult as we have been lately, but we got stronger as the day went on; things were much better after lunch, after we had some nice conversation with our friends, and of course, some "comfort food" (read: carbohydrates!); let's focus on the good things...all the TPNs were entered and ready before we left, we asked for help when we needed it, we didn't have any run-ins with "you know who," we got to see some friends we haven't seen in a long time, that was nice. And now we are 1/3 of the way through our long stretch! So things are not as bad as they seem; we slept pretty well last night, and since good sleep always catches up to us "the morning after the morning after," we should feel much better tomorrow! Let's hope so! Good night, sleep tight! This to us both! I love you!

...and this has been the…


Friday, July 26, 2002

Disclaimer: All posts begin with this text: "If using Netscape, and on my blogspot.com site, check out my Netscape-friendly page at
Tripod! Nearly identical posts are on both sites!"

...1 day down, 5 to go before my next day off...WHOO! HOO!

...so I was venting this morning to the gang in the IV room about the people at work who treat me as if I don't know what I am doing...check that...who treat me as if THEY FEEL I don't know what I am doing (YAY! Self-talk ROOLZ!)...the number is statistically small, but the impact is great. It really gets to me and that's why I am in therapy of course :^P Anyway, I said something about "Well, they feel like I am a (euphimism for loser).." or something to that effect, and Allison, one of the techs said, "Well, we don't!" Isn't that nice? She's such a sweet girl. One day a few months back I called with news about 2 IVs the IV room was waiting on, and very early in my shift for such a thing, and Allison was all, "Wow, girl, you're really on it!" or something like that. It made my whole day! Very cool!

So I know all my loyal reader(?s) are dying to know if I was able to replace the light bulb in my porch light. The answer is YES...actually I didn't even need an adapter, I think what it was was that when I tried to replace the bulb earlier, the wasps' nest (which I recently sprayed the living (euphemism) out of and removed) was there....EWW!! I didn't even know it! EEWW!!!! Anyway it's a good thing I didn't know or I would have screamed bloody murder!! You do NOT want to hear me when I blood-curdling scream! It's a frightening thing. It used to scare the (euphemism) out of my ex. Toward the end of our marriage, and I am not proud of this, I used to do it just to annoy him. Like I said, not proud. Of doing it on purpose. I am proud of my ability, if I ever really need it, like to scare off an attacker, I think it would at least stun the bastard!

OMG! I am watching The Pet Psychic on Animal Planet... Chimpuat turned me on to her...she is giving some ferrets a "feeling of calm" so one will stop biting the other...I am with Chimp, though..I think that when she sends these vibes and feelings she is really threatening to gut them open and eat their entrails or something equally horrible. Wild! It's just like "Crossing Over with John Edward!" WILD! OMG! The picture they have of John Edward @that link makes him about 100x more attractive than he is on his show! Who's the photog? Get him over here, stat!

More compliments on my new scrubs today YAY! I went to a new place that just opened up near me called Scrubs and Beyond , a very nice store, click the link to see if there's one near you! They have petite scrub pants, which is great for a 5' person like myself...I got 3 tops and 2 pairs of pants, I am just thrilled! A very cool place for those of us who need scrubs!

Nice day at work today...hopefully I can sleep tonight and in that spirit it is time once again for "The Daily (Almost) Affirmation to The Little Girl", the little girl inside me who for 30 years or more has been my protector….
Nice things today: Allison's comment, new scrubs, compliments on new scrubs, being strong "in the adult" and helping a lot of people, talking and joking with the nurses, aides, techs and other pharmacists...even though we did not actually...how you say...sleep...last night, we were strong in the adult and had a good day at work, then we were productive at home. Let's see if we can sleep tonight! ..and did I mention how nice it would be to be able to sleep? Hmm...I hope I mentioned that, sleep really is a good thing and is so good for us, let's give it a shot! Good night, sleep tight! This to us both! I love you!

...and this has been the…


Thursday, July 25, 2002

Disclaimer: All posts begin with this text: "If using Netscape, and on my blogspot.com site, check out my Netscape-friendly page at
Tripod! Nearly identical posts are on both sites!"

So I was off work today..YAY! But now I have to work 6 days in a row...BOO! Oh, well, that's ok, it will go by fast, we have been prety busy. I am lucky enough to be in the IV room both days over the weekend, those days will fly, you hardly get a chance to breathe in that place, very very busy, but like I said, never a slow day back there!

I didn't do much today, I was tired and my migraine lingered on...BAH! I slept in (after going to bed early last night) and hung out, did some laundry, you know, the exciting life I lead...then went to the store. Wait, there's more...I watched "Ghost World;" a good movie but sad...sad people with sad lives. Almost makes me feel like a have a life :^) Seriously, though, I just LOVE (caps to indicate sarcasm) Hollywood's idea of lonely people. The lead character in Ghost World, Enid, has a best friend who sticks by her no matter what, then the 2 of them have a guy friend who they can go visit at work, who gives them rides etc, and they are doing things and having fun. Yeah, that's exactly what it's like to feel horribly crushingly alone..NOT! "Welcome to the Dollhouse"...now, THAT (caps to indicate emphasis) is ALONE! I have only been able to watch portions of that movie, too real, too close to home!

I was trying to get to the deleted scenes of "Harry Potter" on the DVD and kept giving up, you have to click on bricks in a wall to get into Diagon Alley to buy a wand...well, I looked on the web, and apparently if you try 3 times without going back (as I kept doing) then you will get in anyway..so I will be checking that out after I post here...Daniel Radcliffe (Harry) is perfect in the role, he is so cute! I really enjoyed the movie and eagerly anticipate the second one.

On 10/28/01 I bought my scanner at COMPUSA. There was a rebate to send in and you would get a $50 COMPUSA gift card. I sent everything in the next day and a few weeks later I checked Where's my rebate.com to see what was up...big as life it said my rebate was DENIED...because I had tried to send in the info twice, apparently to scam them. I was all "whatever!" and re-sent the info to the "rebate resolution center." I did not hear boo from them so a few weeks later I re-re-sent the info. Then a few weeks later I re-re-re-sent the info. I then decided to give up. Just let it go, I told myself. Well, what arrived in the mail today but..yes, that's right, the $50 COMPUSA gift card! I couldn't believe it! I was so excited! Of course, I have bought just about everything I had wanted to use the card for, but I am sure I will find something. I just am so thrilled!

Well, it's not late but my migraine is rearing its ugly head (pun intended) so..now it is time once again for "The Daily (Almost) Affirmation to The Little Girl", the little girl inside me who for 30 years or more has been my protector….
So we weren't so productive on our day off...that's ok, we didn't really have a lot to do, we got done what we needed to and we can do the rest at our leisure..besides, we got some much-needed sleep and relaxed and refreshed for our upcoming 6-day stretch at work! Susan thinks that "the adult" is getting stronger all the time, and today "the adult" took care of herself! Well, next week we will talk more with Susan and plan out the next several weeks...since she is on vacation the next week, then hopefully we can get back to EMDR...it's all happening! It's all happening! Good night, sleep tight! This to us both! I love you!

...and this has been the…


Wednesday, July 24, 2002

Disclaimer: All posts begin with this text: "If using Netscape, and on my blogspot.com site, check out my Netscape-friendly page at
Tripod! Nearly identical posts are on both sites!"

So I went back to work yesterday...apparently my somewhat flippant decision to take off the Monday after my week of vacation was eerily prescient and ultimately one of the best things I could have done; why, you say? Well, there was a fire at the computer center at the hospital where I work and all the computers were down most of the day. Several pharmacists stayed very late to catch up. And there were more problems on night shift Monday then Tuesday morning more pharmacists (including me but to a very small extent) had to play catch-up. Too sad! I guess it was one of the worst days ever. And I missed it. Oh, well, good for me I guess :^) But too bad for everyone else. I am just glad no one was hurt in the fire.

Work was pretty busy yesterday, I was the pharmacist for the main IV room and things can get pretty hairy. I kept up pretty well even though I felt a migraine coming on, then when I left work I went to see Susan (my therapist) and when I got home I took some Midrin for my headache and then I felt better a few hours later and actually slept pretty well, just not for as long as I would have liked, maybe about 5 1/2 hours total. Good session with Susan, she feels my "adult self" is very strong these days and we may be able to get back to EMDR. Read about EMDR HERE; it's a technique used to treat victims of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and also those with traumatic events in their past. I have some of those, and what limited processing we have done has helped a LOT; we processed some sleep issues and I slept great for several weeks; unfortunately we had to stop before we were "done" with sleep issues so things have relapsed, but I am hopeful once we get back to it that and other areas of my life will improve. YAY! ME!

Susan and I were talking about people who think they are tough because they don't allow themselves to feel feelings that would make them feel bad (she phrased it much more eloquently than my migraine-addled and sleep-deprived brain can recall), when in actuality it takes real guts to let oneself feel these feelings, to go behind the anger to see what is causing it, and how to get rid of it. Because ultimately anger is so counter-productive, it helps no one and hurts oneself and those around her. So actually the brave ones are ones like myself, who is in therapy to work through bad feelings, not like the cowards who deny these feelings. Again, YAY! ME!

So last night I sprayed the icky wasps' nest in my porch light fixture. 2 or 3 wasps fell out while I was doing it and I sprayed the ever-loving poop out of them. I scraped off the dead nest today and pitched it. There were 5 or 6 dead wasps on my porch, I re-sprayed them, just to make sure they were dead, then I will let them dry and sweep them up tomorrow. Hopefully other wasps will see what happened and leave my property alone! Let this be a warning!!! I have foam wasp and hornet spray and I am not afraid to use it!
I will let the fixture "recover" from its ordeal and hopefully I can find the part I need at Home Depot.

I found this on a cool blog called Very Big Blog I found a link to on Jason's blog... follow that? It's a Funny "page not found page" ..too cool! It will really make you laugh!

Work today was very hectic, the phone rang non-stop; it was as if every medication in the hospital had been sucked into a black hole and the poor nurses couldn't find anything! I feel so bad when that happens! We usually have to send a duplicate, and you can't really charge the patient, it's not their fault, so the pharmacy "eats" the cost. Bummer! But the nicest thing happened today. Brenda, an evening shift tech, told me that she missed me, and that I was gone for so long (I was on vacation for 12 days) that she was worried that I may have quit. Isn't that sweet? She is a really nice person, and a good worker. We call her "Mama B" because there was a pharmacist named Brenda on evening shift (Pharmacist Brenda just switched to nights) and a tech named Brenda so the younger techs gave her the nickname "Mama B;" almost everyone calls her that. She is a very caring nurturing "motherly" type and is old enough to be most of the younger techs' mother, also she gives them motherly advice. So it is a very fitting nickname, and even though "Pharmacist Brenda" isn't on evenings anymore I plan to still call Mama B that :^)

I am off tomorrow, and my brother in law (who took over my father's flooring business) says maybe the carpetlayer will come back to the house and fix the carpet on my stairs. The carpet has separated from the very top stair, it just needs to be tacked and/or stapled in. No biggie, will only take a few minutes. It's just a matter of getting someone to come out. Hopefully tomorrow, everyone keep good thoughts for me.

Well, it's almost time for South Park, so it is time once again for "The Daily (Almost) Affirmation to The Little Girl", the little girl inside me who for 30 years or more has been my protector….
Work was indeed hectic but we kept our cool, solved problems, helped a lot of people, that always makes us feel good. And Mama B said she missed us! Also Doreen said she missed us and our imitations and humor! And we got a lot of compliments on our cute new scrubs! Even though we were tired and felt another migraine coming on, we still had a good day. And bravo to us for avoiding the really bad day on Monday...I guess Cohens really are lucky! YAY! US! Cohens RULE! And Susan says we can get back to EMDR after her vacation. That's a great thing, remember how it helped us sleep? That can happen...no, that WILL happen again! And we don't have to work tomorrow, so we can recover from being back from vacation! Let's go to bed early tonight and get a good night's sleep so we can be productive tomorrow...it's supposed to be a beautiful day! Good night, sleep tight! This to us both! I love you!

...and this has been the…


Monday, July 22, 2002

Disclaimer: All posts begin with this text: "If using Netscape, and on my blogspot.com site, check out my Netscape-friendly page at
Tripod! Nearly identical posts are on both sites!"

MAN! Was it HOT today! The heat index was 105 or some such unG-dly thing! I slept in on this, my last day of vacation (sniff, sniff) til noon, hung around the house until about 3 or so, then went out to run a few errands. One place I was going to go was Home Depot, you see, my ex had put some sort of thing on my porch light so it would come on at dusk, off at dawn. The last time, several months ago, when the light bulb burned out, I took out the bulb and that thing, and maybe more stuff, came out, so I can't replace the bulb. So I thought I would go look at the light and see what kind of adapter I might need to put in there..well, I took a look and there was a HUGE wasp or some kind of icky nest there! YIKES! It's covered by a shade so I had no idea! Good lord, I had some nests before in my front door overhang but this was HUGE! I was going to go spray it but it gets dark so late, I hope to be sleeping by then, so I guess probably wednesday night will be the night, as I don't have to work thursday.

I am exhausted, I swear, just being out for that hour or 2 today was so tiring..oh, well, I had to get a few things. I made nametags for the Blogger meetup this month but they were not too sticky, I bought some nice nametags at Office Depot so I can make nametags for the next Blogger meetup...click the nametag below or on the sidebar to find out about a local meetup...I hope more people can come to the next meetup on 8/21...


So what else? I can't change any of the "formatting" settings on either blog...I was able to edit/change the formatting settings on my Tripod blog, but now not on either one. If any bloggers out there have any idea what may be going on, I welcome advice. I had this problem before I did my "clean install" of XP but the clean install fixed it..now I am having the same problem again...when I go to edit my blog, I go to settings, then formatting, and the program just hangs there, nothing comes up. If I hit "stop" then the fields come up, but the "save changes" box is not visible to hit to save my changes. I tried "CTRL + S" to save but that didn't work. Bummer! Like I said, any advice is welcome. Editing the text each time is a PIA*, I guess I could go back to keeping a copy of the Blogspot and Tripod everyday HTMLs in Word and copying and pasting each day, that is also a PIA*! I even tried to reinstall IE but that didn't help.
*PIA=Pain In the A--

I mentioned before I had a dispute with someone I know. No details...just someone I know. I have after much thought and conversation with my therapist forgiven this person. I feel sorry for this person and I hope this person gets some counseling, I really think this person could benefit from counseling. And that's all I can say about that!

I decided not to pay $400 a year to have a certain "Cathy" comic strip on my blogs...but I will link to it HERE and describe it for you! Cathy is talking to Irving (her on-again off-again boyfriend, for those of you who do not know who "Cathy" is) and he has been somewhat apprehensive about his upcoming 25th HS reunion. She tells him, "When women feel insecure, we write affirmations, Irving..you should try it, see?" And she shows him some note cards on which she has written affirmations, and reads him some: "I am worthy of love!" "I am a unique and gifted spirit!" "I am the heroine of my own life!" "I am present for miracles!" Irving looks at the cards, thinks for a minute then writes, "I am really really glad I am not a woman!"
I loved that and e-mailed them asking how much to keep it on my blogs; since rights change, they charge $25 per website for 3 months, and with my 2 blogs and 2 image hosting sites, that would be $400 a year..BAH! I will just keep the link here, and on the sidebar. I just thought that was hilarious. This sunday, Cathy met a guy in the supermarket and he gave her a card with his 'blog address on it (he didn't call it a blog, but that's what it is!) .."you can see my therapy breakthroughs," he mentioned. Too funny!

Well, it's getting late so now it is time once again for "The Daily (Almost) Affirmation to The Little Girl", the little girl inside me who for 30 years or more has been my protector….
Back to work tomorrow, that's cool! People appreciate us at this job and it is good for us to go back. Sure, it would be fun to play computer all day, but "putting ourselves out there" and seeing our friends will be a good thing. Then after work we can read our affirmations to Susan, she always likes that. And good for us for forgiving! Remember, forgiving someone doesn't mean that we are "ok'ing" what they did....not at all! We are being strong and brave, letting down our defenses, being a generous, forgiving individual. And isn't that the way we want people to see us? Darn right it is! Let's get a good night's sleep and be fresh for work tomorrow..and it's supposed to be cooler..thank G-d! Good night, sleep tight! This to us both! I love you!

...and this has been the…

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