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*All things Regina! Hmm...don't know why I like it, I just do!

*Click the pic of "the boys" to visit dtisfu.com-all the news about my future husband and future lover!

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*ebay--for the finest in kids' meal toys!

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*Netflix...DVDs to your door, no late fees, give it a try! :^)

*See how your favorite movies rank among AFI's 100 top romances!

*See a hilarious Cathy comic strip about affirmations HERE!

*JessMonkey...local blogger makes good..and she's married to Chimpuat!

*Chimpuat...another local blogger makes good..and he's married to JessMonkey!

*Jason's blog is really cool...check it out!

*RuPaul's 'blog! He/She is one of us :^)

*Gilda's club--Check it out! I miss Gilda Radner! :^(

*Check out 'Zonker's' website-Dissociated Press!

*PDA Geek Heaven, Part I

*Check out "Spacemonk's" 'blog-He's KEWL!

*Here's Christopher Lowell's homepage...you have to see it to believe it!

*PDA Geek Heaven, Part II

*Clie Geek Heaven

*If you're not reading this, you should be!

*The cutest kids not actually related to me!

*Six Feet Under-that show ROOLZ!

*My friend Jack Saturn's resume..He is a really talented Web Designer! Anyone got a job for him?

*Any Day Now...SIGH! The show's over..the website lives on!

*This dude finds cool stuff, scans it in, all for your morbid curiosity!

*Can't read those vanity cards at the end of "Dharma and Greg?" You can here!

*Don't know much...about Jewish Holidays, but would like to? Click HERE!"

*See the state quarters in all their glory!

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Thursday, August 01, 2002

Disclaimer: All posts begin with this text: "If using Netscape, and on my blogspot.com site, check out my Netscape-friendly page at
Tripod! Nearly identical posts are on both sites!"

Good day today. I passed out last night about 11 pm, I was sooooo tired after my 6-day stretch and staying late on Wednesday. I slept very well, thank G-d, I woke up a few times but pretty much got back to sleep right away. I got up today at 9:30 am. I piddled around the house for a bit, watched a bit of Family Feud ....OMG! There was a question about "Name something on which people blame being grouchy;" I couldn't BELIEVE it...no one said "Because they didn't sleep well..." HELLO???? McFly?????? Anyway, have we met? I guess those people were really nervous and couldn't think right! It was the #2 answer. Another question was "Name something people do when they have an aching back." One family was from b-f-nowhere in the South and the young kid said "Have somebody walk on your back." He said, "Richard, I don't know if other people do that but I do." Richard said, "Sure they do!" The kid said, "I do that for my daddy...." Richard thought he said "baby," and he freaked out imagining this kid walking on an infant. Poor kid; Richard always made fun of southern accents. I love that show though.

Anyway I went to the grocery store and it was so freakin' hot outside! I had to take a power nap when I got home, that exhausted me being out in the heat. Then I went to get my hair cut. Then I saw 2 movies, My Big Fat Greek Wedding and Goldmember. Essentially the same movie..well, not really, although curiously both movies had jokes about men with 3 testicles. Coincidence? Hmmm.....anyway, sad to say I laughed more at the "Wedding" than at Goldmember. Goldmember was cute, some good cameos and all, but "Wedding" had a sweetness and a heart to it, plus my father's side of the family is Greek so a lot of the movie was familiar. I mean, we're Jewish, they're Greek Orthodox, but it's the same. Truly a special movie, go see it...NOW!

Now I am exhausted, I can't see staying up to watch "The Rerun Show," a cool new show on NBC...you've probably seen the ads for it all summer...they take old sitcoms and have new actors play the roles, with jokes about the cast, like they make fun of legal problems some of the cast of "Diff'rent Strokes" got into after the show was over, for example. Very clever idea, I am taping it so I can watch it tomorrow.

Saturday morning is my Longaberger lady's annual open house and hostess appreciation day. These baskets are sold by "hostesses" at parties or "silent shows" and I must admit to an addiction to them...it's waned quite a bit now, I haven't bought any in a while, several months in fact. The last one I bought was a star-shaped basket with an American flag inspired fabric liner. This was put out shortly after 9/11 and is very nicely done. She gives door prizes to everyone, she gives away some really nice stuff, I usually get something worth about $20-$30, some of the prizes are worth more than $100. And she serves a nice lunch, out of Longaberger baskets, bowls, and serving tray baskets. It's a nice time, and although it's not the biggest deal to me, she always shows us the Christmas baskets. I sometimes buy a Christmas basket in red (usually the main basket is offered in red and green), even though I am Jewish, because it matches the color scheme in my bedroom. They also have Hannukkah fabric liners which is cool, I have a "candle basket" with a Hannukkah liner, in which I do store Hannukkah candles!

My buddy Jason is bummed out..you can read about it on his blog. I know what that's like and truly, I don't wish it on anyone, even certain people I don't care for. What I wish for these people (myself included) is that they find good support systems, family, friends, a therapist if need be, to help them through the tough times and out the other side. I posted a comment asking if he wants to get together to talk. I am here for you buddy! :^}

...and now it is time once again for "The Daily (Almost) Affirmation to The Little Girl", the little girl inside me who for 30 years or more has been my protector….
Wasn't today fun? Seeing our friend Amy at the salon, she's so sweet, and it's fun to have someone to talk to about "Six Feet Under" with! Super cool! And then we saw 2 movies...one of our favorite things to do. We haven't seen a lot of movies lately, but we are getting back to things like that, things we really enjoy. It was nice today to not be so tired. We have been sleeping fairly well these days, let's hope that continues! And we'll try to help those who are sad...we know what it's like and even though in the heat of anger we may wish that others are depressed, within us is a caring nurturing part, the part of us who cares deeply about others and wants everyone to "do their work," either on their own or with a therapist, and to "come out the other side" and be happier. We're doing our work, and we're doing it well, I know we will come through. Good night, sleep tight! This to us both! I love you!

...and this has been the…


Wednesday, July 31, 2002

Disclaimer: All posts begin with this text: "If using Netscape, and on my blogspot.com site, check out my Netscape-friendly page at
Tripod! Nearly identical posts are on both sites!"

YAY! My 6 day stretch is over! But not without struggle...yesterday was actually a nice day, there was not a lot of clinical follow-up on my decentral floors of the hospital and that gave me a lot of time to check chemotherapy and make sure everyone had what they needed. Mona, a super-de-duper nurse on the oncology/renal floor, told me how much she appreciated my help. Very cool! Wait, was that yesterday or today? It's kind of a blur. Maybe today. Yeah, that's it. Well, so yesterday I worked on some calculations for a patient coming to Med Clinic today to receive Desferal and I have a lot of experience with Desferal and so I worked on it for an hour or so. I typed up a whole shpiel about it for day shift today, and I noted that I would be there today if they needed help. Well, I felt really good about it, unfortunately I was so tired! Today I wasn't too busy in the morning so I went down to the IV room to help with the Med Clinic patient. I had to redo some calculations because they stated they had some equipment I didn't figure on but that was cool. The drug came in (we had to order it, we didn't have any on the shelf) and we were all set to do it when the Med Clinic said they didn't have the subcutaneous infusion pump we needed. I had been told by 2 people that this had all been taken care of. So the clinic called a local homecare provider and they said if they were to provide the pump, they would do so only if they could provide the med too. So we were out of it. Easy come easy go, I just was bummed because I worked so hard. This is the second time in a few months that such a thing has happened to me at work. Oh, well!

Saw Susan (my therapist) last night, we mapped out a strategy to get back to EMDR ; she is on vacation next week (BAH!) but once she gets back she says we will be able to get back to it...it helped so much before! I can't wait! She wants me to think about 2 things. One is to design a room for us to do our work in, the other is to design a house for the "younger parts" of me, such as the angry adolescent part, the scared insomniac little girl, and the mischevious little imp, to stay while the "adult me" is coping with life and handling things. I have already thought a lot about the work room. I want a working dumbwaiter (ours at work finally got back to working today after being down for a few weeks), to send the bad memories down to the nether regions....I want a working printer (ours at work are always malfunctioning) to print out affirmations, to help keep me strong, as we process bad memories....I want a big-screen plasma TV to play happy scenes, scenes from the present when I am strong and in the adult...I want a crappy, B & W TV, maybe a 4" screen, to play sad, depressing scenes, when I am not strong and most certainly not in the adult. The house is harder, I need to give it some thought.

So more about this afternoon...I got 3 new patients on Intravenous Vancomycin ; we follow all IV Vancomycin patients, recommending doses which based on age, kidney function (or dysfunction), weight, and disease state, will provide ideal blood levels of the drug. One doctor wrote for the pharmacy (that would be me) to order the drug, to order labs and levels and change the dose as needed. That is cool because we can handle it, we don't need to call or leave notes for the doctor, we can just do our own thing. Well, I did a workup and came up with a dose, then another doctor came and wrote for a dose! This other doctor doesn't want us to handle the dosing. So all that work for nothing (hmmm..that's three times!) BUMMER! Then I got an order from one of the pulmonologists for a drug which is in extremely short supply/on manufacturer backorder; I thought we had some, that was the latest word I had heard, well, I sent the label down then the IV room paged me to let me know we had officially run out. I caught the doctor in the hall and told him, he asked what alternatives we had worked out...D'OH! I had no idea. I asked our oncology/hematology clinical pharmacist, Jill, and she suggested another similar drug. I called the company that makes the drug and they faxed me some info and I called the doctor and we decided to go for it. I stayed late (I am supposed to leave at 4 pm, but I left at 5:15 pm) and I was soooo tired...as April, one of the other pharmacists and a good friend, was leaving to go to dinner I thanked her for her help, she was in the IV room and let me know about the outage, and also supervised the technician who mixed the drug and she made sure it got to the floor ASAP. She thanked ME and told me I was awesome! That made my day...I got my second wind and good thing because traffic was awful going home, although I did make pretty good time getting home, even through rush hour traffic.
I tried to take a power nap but I was so wound up, I watched "Win, Lose or Draw" on the Game Show Network, and I laughed my butt off, even though 3 of the 5 celebrities are dead now..(Bert Convy, Foster Brooks and Teresa Ganzel) then I was relaxed and could sleep for a little while. I felt much better. I am so tired right now I think I will go to bed early, and then I can get up in the morning and be productive. Hopefully!

Cool site I found today: Plastic.com ; kind of a collection of some of the better writings on the internet. You can sign up for an account but you don't have to. It's pretty KEWL!

…and now it is time once again for "The Daily (Almost) Affirmation to The Little Girl", the little girl inside me who for 30 years or more has been my protector….
I am going to build you a house...not a real house, a make-believe house! You know how much you love to play make-believe! And you can have just about whatever you want in the house..you can have your own room, a nice bed, a lot of books to read, a swimming pool..whatever! We will discuss it and I will try my best to do what you want. You can stay there and take a break from protecting me, and this is a place you can just be yourself, be the kid you always should have been allowed to be. It's not too late, I can become the strong adult I always should have been, and you can be the kid you always should have been. You've worked really hard to take care of me, now it's my turn to work hard and take care of you! Working hard with Susan will get us both what we truly wish for. It is hard work, but it's good work, and we are really good at it...Susan says so! And I know you are starting to trust her more and more, and I am so proud of you for that! I am trying to convince all the "younger parts" of me to trust Susan; will you help me? I would really appreciate it. You are a smart little girl and they will listen to you. Thank you for all your hard work over the years; I hope that very soon you will be able to take a break. You deserve it! And speaking of which let's get a good night's sleep! Good night, sleep tight! This to us both! I love you!

...and this has been the…


Sunday, July 28, 2002

Disclaimer: All posts begin with this text: "If using Netscape, and on my blogspot.com site, check out my Netscape-friendly page at
Tripod! Nearly identical posts are on both sites!"

Halfway through my 6 day stretch @work! YAY!

Today was MUCH better than yesterday! Just about as busy but just better...not as stressful, not as much new and complicated stuff to figure out, plus I had 2 nights of pretty good sleep in a row, and after taking Flexeril last night I was pretty mellow and my back and neck felt much better so that was also a plus!
I had all the TPNs done by the time I left, and there were 17 of them! Anyway, Shannah, one of the techs, told me "You do good with hypers (TPNs)!" That made my day! I love hearing that. Susan, one of the other pharmacists, told me that yesterday when I had all the TPNs set up before I left that that really helped her out, and she said the techs were looking on the schedule to see who was in the IV room today, to see what kind of evening it may be following that person, and they saw it was me, and they were like, High Five! Cool! etc. That is so gratifying! I try to make life easier for the next shift, most people have that attitude in our pharmacy. They will "batch" antibiotics that are being used a lot for the next shift, so they can get the meds out right away, then the next shift will do it for the next shift, etc. It fosters an attitude of teamwork. It's pretty cool!

Yes, I bit the bullet, I signed up with iPowerWeb.com and registered my new domain name: ohregina.com! YAY! I also bought Microsoft Front Page off of ebay to help design a new web page. I have been inspired as I stated before by my fellow blogger-meet-upers (if I may make up a word) Jason , Jessica , and her husband Chimpuat to create a new website, one I can truly be proud of, one which I can tweak to my little heart's content and will grow with me. Jason uses iWebpower.com to host his domain name, and I decided to go with them too, I had seen them ranked #2 on a list of best webhosters , and the fact that they are offering free domain name registration for new clients sealed the deal! SWEEEEET!!! So I will be building that site and will keep my loyal reader(s?) apprised of the scoop!

Well, it's late and so...it is time once again for "The Daily (Almost) Affirmation to The Little Girl", the little girl inside me who for 30 years or more has been my protector….
See what a little good sleep can do? Even though it was busy and we had 17 TPNs and the printer malfunctioned and the dumbwaiter was down...we were cool, we kept calm and "in the adult" and had a great day! And those nice things Susan and Shannah said about us! How nice to hear that! People think nice things about us, and we can use those good vibes to empower ourselves, to stay strong! Let's keep that streak of good sleep going! Good night, sleep tight! This to us both! I love you!

...and this has been the…

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