
A 'Blog (Weblog, Internet Diary)

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*If not using Netscape or Opera, feel free to check out my aforementioned "other" 'blog site!

*All things Regina! Hmm...don't know why I like it, I just do!

*Click the pic of "the boys" to visit dtisfu.com-all the news about my future husband and future lover!

*Click the nametag to meet other bloggers from your town!


*ebay--for the finest in kids' meal toys!

*Click the blogsticker to get/make your own! (Mine are on page 12!)

*Connect your cell phone to your PDA? Yes, it's true! Click HERE!

*Order your nomination bracelet (or just find out what the heck that is!) HERE!

*Netflix...DVDs to your door, no late fees, give it a try! :^)

*See how your favorite movies rank among AFI's 100 top romances!

*See a hilarious Cathy comic strip about affirmations HERE!

*JessMonkey...local blogger makes good..and she's married to Chimpuat!

*Chimpuat...another local blogger makes good..and he's married to JessMonkey!

*Jason's blog is really cool...check it out!

*RuPaul's 'blog! He/She is one of us :^)

*Gilda's club--Check it out! I miss Gilda Radner! :^(

*Check out 'Zonker's' website-Dissociated Press!

*PDA Geek Heaven, Part I

*Check out "Spacemonk's" 'blog-He's KEWL!

*Here's Christopher Lowell's homepage...you have to see it to believe it!

*PDA Geek Heaven, Part II

*Clie Geek Heaven

*If you're not reading this, you should be!

*The cutest kids not actually related to me!

*Six Feet Under-that show ROOLZ!

*My friend Jack Saturn's resume..He is a really talented Web Designer! Anyone got a job for him?

*Any Day Now...SIGH! The show's over..the website lives on!

*This dude finds cool stuff, scans it in, all for your morbid curiosity!

*Can't read those vanity cards at the end of "Dharma and Greg?" You can here!

*Don't know much...about Jewish Holidays, but would like to? Click HERE!"

*See the state quarters in all their glory!

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Monday, August 05, 2002

Disclaimer: All posts begin with this text: "If using Netscape, and on my blogspot.com site, check out my Netscape-friendly page at
Tripod! Nearly identical posts are on both sites!"

testing testing..just testing...BTW...my new site is up
…and now it is time once again for "The Daily (Almost) Affirmation to The Little Girl", the little girl inside me who for 30 years or more has been my protector….
Quick affirmation tonight..we did it! We published our site! YAY! US! And we will figure out how to get our blog on there...so since we've been up for over 17 hours...Good night, sleep tight! This to us both! I love you!

...and this has been the…


Sunday, August 04, 2002

Disclaimer: All posts begin with this text: "If using Netscape, and on my blogspot.com site, check out my Netscape-friendly page at
Tripod! Nearly identical posts are on both sites!"

So I haven't posted in a few days because I have been working on my new website...ohregina.com. I would link to it but my new webhost, iPowerWeb.com hasn't registered my domain name yet. Bummer! I e-mailed them yesterday to tell them to get on the stick, it said to expect a reply in 24 hours. It has been more than 24 hours! If I don't hear from them tomorrow I may e-mail again or call. I have been using Front Page and it has been frustrating at times, it doesn't come with any manual or anything, I have just been trial and error-ing it. I bought it off of ebay for $129, (retail price $169) from a guy named Andrew, and I e-mailed him with a few questions, he offered some help but I finally broke down and bought a book at COMPUSA today. It has helped a LOT. I finally was able to add working link bars and some other things. Microsoft had their own book but I didn't buy it, I feel they should have included a book with the program! What a ripoff! Anyway, my page will look SWEET if I can ever publish! I will let you know when it is ready.

I had signed up to work extra last night, I came in at 4 pm. I had requested to be in the IV room, since I was working extra I felt I could request an area...well, another pharmacist wanted to be in the IV room. I asserted myself (for once!) and he backed down...I was worried he would be mad but in the end he was glad I was there, it would have just been him and one other pharmacist, really the bare minimum for evenings is 3. We had a flurry of orders right there around 5pm-7pm but overall a pleasant evening.

My Longaberger lady's hostess appreciation day was yesterday. She gives prizes to everyone who comes, and I am not complaining, but I got the lowest $$ amount prize. A basket, a very cute basket, but no liner, no fabric protector, no ribbon even (all the other prizes had festive toile ribbons!) I had a nice time, lots of yummy food and all, and it was nice to win a prize, but I thought with my lucky winning streak I would win something really expensive!

I also got a SWEET new mouse at COMPUSA today. It is a Logitech dual optical mouse, plugs into a USB port, no mouse pad needed, very very nice, no &)&^^%*&)(_)*^%^%*^&*^&* trackball to get stuck, and it has the cool scrolling bar on it, plus a second left-clicker on the left side for your thumb, very nice feature! I used my $50 gift card that I got from the scanner that I got back in Oct 2001 to pay for it. SWEET! The cashier kind of ignored me, but oh well, whatever!

GAH! I hope my migraine medication kicks in soon. I have taken 3 generic Midrin and I will probably take one more soon. It just feels like my head's going to explode!

I originally used the "Fun Stuff" font for my blog title, but since my clean install of XP it doesn't even show up on my computer with that font. So for my new webpage I typed the title (OhRegina.com) in Fun Stuff Font in Print Shop, printed it, scanned it in, then added it to the template in Front Page, then I edited the picture, filled in the background with a "custom color" I made, the same green as the background of this page (that nice soothing green), edited the pic so it would fit the webpage, now it looks seamless and very very nice. I am so excited! Everyone will be able to see it. I am really proud of it. FrontPage has cool link bars and stuff, I am overall pleased with the program. I had read that people were getting lots of "not enough memory" messages, I thought "well, I have 640 MB so that won't happen to me!" But it does, once in a while. I never do anything, and it goes away, it's just a bit annoying, I mean, if I have 640 MB, what do poor people with 128 MB do? :^(

I got a signature in my guestbook which essentially says I am crazy and need help. Well, if this person actually read my blog she (he?) would see I am in therapy, I know I need help and I am getting it. This person's comment was "Narcissa rules!" Narcissa is a mean nickname I have given a woman I know. Well, "guest" who didn't sign a name or any identifying details (coward! I dare you to e-mail me with your real name!), she most certainly does NOT rule! She is weak and need help herself. She is sad and lonely and so far in denial it is really pathetic. I feel sorry for her and hope she will seek help. Your thinking she "rules" makes me wonder if you need help as well. Look into it! Now, if this was all a put-on, mission accomplished! You got me! But I still dare you to e-mail me!

Man, am I tired..and I work 3 12-hour shifts and 2-8 hour shifts this week. My next check will have 20 extra hours. Ka-Ching! But I will be too tired to spend it. Maybe that's a good thing, I spend too much. The only thing I plan to buy soon is a new dishwasher, there were some coupons in today's paper, I think now is the time. I hope I will sleep well tonight, and speaking of which...it is time once again for "The Daily (Almost) Affirmation to The Little Girl", the little girl inside me who for 30 years or more has been my protector….
We stood our ground last night, didn't it feel good? I know..we were shaking, we were nervous, but it was ok. We helped enter orders and did our part, we were working overtime so it was perfectly ok for us to work where we want! It was nice of us to help out, we are kind and generous! We had a nice evening and then we could play with our new toy...ohregina.com! And we are so tired I know we will sleep well tonight! Good night, sleep tight! This to us both! I love you!

...and this has been the…

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